Greenhouse question(s), need suggestions as well.


Junior Poster
Mar 8, 2017
Ok so most people know I grow my emersed plants in my greenhouse, which is about 12ft by... 10ft or so. its a good size.
I grow my current plants in the shade of my greenhouse, in the greenhouse we have a row of stands attached to the wall of it, and I have my plants and soil mixes kept under there in the shade, it gets to about 90 here on a mild day.
So I did some Experimenting over the past few weeks... and I took some pearlweed I had, separated it into equal amounts, same soil mix, different sized pots which doesn't matter I don't think (in length they were different, depth was same, around 3" - 4" deep)
I stuck one of these trays, not pots sorry, in the shade under the railing (I'm going to call it) and I stuck another in Full Sun,
I water all the plants about twice a day. Sometime I give a good mist just because it'll be a hot day. But they got watered the same amount.. And I found that most of these plants grow about 3x a fast apparently (coming off of the pearlweed example) in the shade rather than the in the sun... And in the sun pearlweed grows FLAT, in shade its much thicker.
But the point is, I see in FAN that they have these Huge greenhouses obviously, that they grow anubias in, everything. And Its In full sun. I'm wondering how they get there plants to grow as lush as they look in these huge trays (if they are hydroponics, idk, if they are in soil, idk). Anyone know?
I contacted them an asked their methods but haven't got a response just yet.

Ok that was my first question, now I need the suggestions part.
So on the racks or tables attached to the wall in the greenhouse, its pretty much full sun. Might be part sun part shade but, I say sun. Could I put shade cloth on the top of the greenhouse and block out say half the sun amount that's coming in now, could I put plants up there on the rack and they'd be alright?


Junior Poster
Mar 8, 2017
For example...
This greenhouse in Taiwan (by the looks) is mostly shade, LUSH plants.

In dennerle, full sun, and they use what seems to be hydroponics

This place (idk where) also growns in what seems to be full sun to part shade, also in hydroponics.

So this leads me to the other question,

Hydroponics vs Soil mixtures.
Which one is better?
I would think soil would be because it has pretty much unlimited nutrients (for a long period of time) and if you refertilize like I do, you shouldn't have an issue right?
Hydroponics same thing, you just keep adding fertilizer.
Why can hydroponics emersed aquatic plants be grown in full sun, and when in soil only in shade (or part sun)?