YAYAYAY!!! My new tank!!!!


Guru Class Expert
Feb 2, 2005
Ok! I just sealed the deal & will be picking up my new tank either this weekend, or next!!! I am getting a 90 gallon, 48x18x24, black pine stand, glass top, & 48" Coralife 4X65 PCs to sit on top of it, all for $325!!!!

Is this too good to be true? Are those lights crappy or something? He is even including the bulbs, I will just have to swap out the actinics that are in it now for regular grow lights. The guy said the tank has no scratches, & he is going to clean it out good for me (its a SW tank now) The 75 gallon & stand I was looking at new, with a glass top, & stock t8 strip was going to run me $300.... I hope I have made a good decision! I am almost willing to bet that he has the lights wrong, & its just a 2x65, but even with that, I could resell them, & still come out on top.

Man, I hope this as sweet as it seems, & goes through with no problems. This could save me almost $200!!! I am so stoked!!!

Greg Watson

Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
United States
Re: YAYAYAY!!! My new tank!!!!

travdawg said:
[.....] Is this too good to be true? Are those lights crappy or something? He is even including the bulbs,

It's a great deal ... and why I buy all of my tanks used ...

The light fixture is a good fixture ... bulbs, you never know, I still choose to live by the argument that most bulbs only have a useful life of about one year ... I don't do a very good job of it, but I "try" to replace them once a year ...


P.S. Besides, if you don't replace 100% of your lights all at one time, how else are you supposed to introduce a new variable to your aquarium, shock your plants metabolish, and create a new algae outbreak !!!!!!


Guru Class Expert
Feb 2, 2005
Re: YAYAYAY!!! My new tank!!!!

Holy crap, you guys wont believe what has happened to me!!! I went to Wendys for lunch today, & got pulled over in my jeep because my brake light was out & my registration had expired (my wife had the new registration in her purse, but not on my friggin Jeep!!!) Well, the officer uncovers much to my suprise that my license had been suspended for a citation I had received last year for going straight in a turn only lane!!!! So I got arrested!!!!

So now I have to get my Jeep out of the tow yard ($82.00) & figure out how to get into magistrate court so I can get my license back, & come up with the scads of money its going to cost to pay off the tickets I have.

I think I am screwed for awhile on this tank thing :(


To top it off, they said it would likely be 3 MONTHS before I could see a judge. This is so bad.


Guru Class Expert
Jan 24, 2005
Re: YAYAYAY!!! My new tank!!!!

travdawg said:
Holy crap, you guys wont believe what has happened to me!!! I went to Wendys for lunch today, & got pulled over in my jeep because my brake light was out & my registration had expired (my wife had the new registration in her purse, but not on my friggin Jeep!!!) Well, the officer uncovers much to my suprise that my license had been suspended for a citation I had received last year for going straight in a turn only lane!!!! So I got arrested!!!!

I would notify the corporate offices of Wendy's about your bad experience
and threaten them with bad PR if they don't help you in your dilemma. Once
they hear about your flagrant neglect to pay this ticket, I'm sure they'll
come around :D

Travdawg, it's a question of priorities, what would you rather have? It doesn't
look like it's going to shake out to where you're driving anytime soon, so go
for the tank! Tell your wife (if you still have one) that it's time for her to look for a better paying job! :rolleyes:

I can't help but think you were born under a dark star. Me too, since I've
experienced even worse sh*tstorms than this :( Sometime I'll tell you about
flying from Cairns all the way to Idaho Falls ID just to sign divorce papers :mad: Anyhoo, take care, and watch your 6!


Gill Man

Prolific Poster
Feb 10, 2005
San Francisco
Re: YAYAYAY!!! My new tank!!!!

Sorry dude, my heart goes out to you, but there is a lesson in all of this that you will be able to relate to your kids some day. There will be other tanks. :)


Guru Class Expert
Feb 2, 2005
Re: YAYAYAY!!! My new tank!!!!

Thanks for the support guys. If nothing else my friends have had a good run of jailbird, sodomy, & felon jokes at my expense. I am hoping that I "know someone who knows someone" & can help me out on this... But I am not holding my breath. On a more positive not, I think I am going to be ok on the aquarium, but that remains to be seen... So heres to hoping.

I reposted this question re: lights on another forum & someone suggested I get metal halides for my tank, 2 of them.... HOLY CRAP!!! I thought that the PCs were high!!! I about crapped. I was looking at $500 + for just the fixtures. What is the benefit of the MHs?


Lifetime Charter Member
Lifetime Member
Jan 24, 2005
San Diego, Ca
Re: YAYAYAY!!! My new tank!!!!

If I'm not mistaken the MH's give more directed light. The advantage there is more distinct shadows as well as being able to see shadows from rippling water, etc. Something a little more like nature, I guess.


Guru Class Expert
Jan 24, 2005
Re: YAYAYAY!!! My new tank!!!!

Yes, the closest thing to natural sunlight, and MHs can punch down into tanks
deeper than 24" :) Another alternative is to go with natural sunlight: place
skylights in a south/east exposure over the tank and use your 65w coralifes to fill in. Has everyone seen the Spanish guy's tank on APC that is outside in full sun? Quite a showpiece!

I like the way MHs create dramatic shadows and being able to see ripples on
the surface of the tank reflect on the substrate, plants, way cool. The price of admission is rather high, tho. :(



Guru Class Expert
Feb 2, 2005
Re: YAYAYAY!!! My new tank!!!!

Dont get me wrong, I would love to have them, but not at that expense!

Whats APC?

Gill Man

Prolific Poster
Feb 10, 2005
San Francisco
Re: YAYAYAY!!! My new tank!!!!

Not sure if I was the one recommending the MH lights, I'm always promoting them. They're of no quantitative added benefit other that the deep tank thing, if anyone has one, but it's mainly for aesthetic reasons. The greens aren't as brilliant green as with PCs, I noticed, which may be important to some people, but it is a more natural-looking type of light. I got them because they were way cheaper than the 48" Aqualight PRO I was thinking about getting, and the Aqualight for freshwater didn't have all the features I wanted. I had been using a PC retrokit in my canopy, but got tired of the contraption, and I wanted an open top tank and the options available thereof.


Guru Class Expert
Feb 2, 2005
Re: YAYAYAY!!! My new tank!!!!

Well, I have never really shopped for them, but the HQI pendants that were recommended were like $250 each with just a cursory look. That by itself isnt bad, but I would need a pair of them. I do love the look of the MH lights, & would lkie to have em, ESPECIALLY for the shadows & dappled light they would provide.

I think I found the pic of that dudes outdoor tank. WOW!


Guru Class Expert
Feb 2, 2005
Re: YAYAYAY!!! My new tank!!!!

Just wanted to update you all on this, because I know you have all been holding your breath in anticipation. :)

I picked up my new 90 gallon tank & stand last week. The light, as I expected was only a 2x65 coralife. I went down to the LFS & ordered another strip (same thing) and 2 6700k & 2 10k bulbs for it. I gave 300 for it, & the galss top. This thing is a beast! I was kinda suprised at how heavy it was. I dont really like the corners on it, they arent mitered... But I will make do, it will look better when filled.

Soooooo.... all thats left is everyhting else! (hows that for a profound statement?) Things that are left to pickup :

Magnum 350 pro kit filter : around 125
Co2 kit from aquaticplants.com : around 75 or 85
5yr lease on a 20lb Co2 tank: ~60
7 bags of EC, & 2 big bags of black gravel : ~$100 if LFS stays the course
Deluxe Package#2 from aquariumdriftwood.com (plants & DW) ~100
A ton of fish : ~$100 to start I figure.

So I have miles to go before I sleep, but I am a step closer. I figure 3 more months. :/ Oh well, at least it will be warm enough for me to go up to the shallows in the river & pick out some good rocks for my planned terrace in the thing!

Greg Watson

Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
United States
Re: YAYAYAY!!! My new tank!!!!

travdawg said:
Soooooo.... all thats left is everyhting else! (hows that for a profound statement?) Things that are left to pickup :

A ton of fish : ~$100 to start I figure.

Fish!!!!! We don't need no stinkin fish ... Plants ... we need plants ...

Fish are just decorations for our plants ... absolutely unnecessary !!!!!

Greg :eek:

Gill Man

Prolific Poster
Feb 10, 2005
San Francisco
Re: YAYAYAY!!! My new tank!!!!

Sort of agree with GW. But ya need some algae eaters if anything. My plain otos have been getting big fat bellies by the end of their day; I've never noticed that before. Ever! So I went and got 25 more for my 90 gallon. I also got some pretty rare "zebra" otocinclus; at around 12 buck a piece, they weren't cheap. I also got a singapore shrimp. All for $114! So ~$100 would just about do it. :D My mbuna are outie. They're not that great at eating my algae.


Guru Class Expert
Feb 2, 2005
Re: YAYAYAY!!! My new tank!!!!

I am one of those freaks who really like fish as well as the plants... I know, crazy. :p

One of the things that REALLY makes me want more plants is the fact that I love to watch my fish swimming in & around them. When I first got my little DW chink with some narrow leaf java ferns on it, ym Zebra Danios were swimming around, playing in them & I really really liked that alot.

Here is a list of the things I want to stock with :

15ish Raspboras
10ish Silver Hatchetfish
6 YoYo Loaches
8 Kuhli Loaches
6 Oto
6 Cory
1 Bristlenose

Thats all for now folks.