You can do like Top soil, I use clay farm soil from the rice paddies or delta here.
50- or 75% sand mix to the stuff, and say 2-3" depth of that works well, then cap with 1" or so of sand.
Or, you can do the 100% WC and 1" on the bottom etc.
Also, over time, as some plant wane, WC ice cubes can be added to some hungry plants.
Same for mud cubes for clays/top soils.
The method is fairly old.
Erik Leung used it and several others did as well in our local group.
Fell out of favor over time, many went to ADA AS.
Mr. Vladimir Simoes came up with it some years ago. Mineralized to some degree already.
Low organic matter.
See some of the older (2003-2004) AGA entries for the contest for references and examples. Similar to Top soil, after awhile, you have to dose etc.
But why wear the sediment out?
Go ahead and dose and get the benefits of both locations and longer life out of the sediment.
If you want low labor in the initial phase, it does not get easier than the DSM which I have suggested for some time now.
While the DSM works with water column sprays, added to the inert sediments, it's more appropriate to use soil, ADA, WC etc.
Then it's very easy, you fill after it's grown in well, and you are done.
1-3 weeks later, the tank is super.
Then you dose when you fill the tank.
There are many things and options you can do here.
It's not a huge deal either way for most of them.
Tom Barr
Tom Barr