Wilting Money Wart


Junior Poster
Jan 25, 2007
Just a quick question about my wilting or rotting Bacopa Monnieri (Money Wart). I have had this new tank started for @3 weeks now. It is my first planted tank. I have read this is a very easy plant to keep but it seems to be the only one not doing well in my tank.

Right now I have a couple 48”VHO’s across the top of my 75 gal tank. I know these are past their due date and need to be replaced but I was hoping a planted tank was going to be cheaper than another marine tank! (a lot of new purchases lately)

I have been doing 40% water changes weekly plus Excel, adding small amounts of dry KH2PO4 and KNO3 rather infrequently. Bottled CO2. Lights and CO2 on 10hrs/day. Some plants doing well: Ophiopogan Japonicus, Crypt Wendtii, Ludwigia Peruensis and the terrible weed soon to be removed Cabomba Caroliniana.

Is it safe to say my trouble is lighting? If so, has anyone matched up some 48” T5’s to an Icecap 660?

Thanks and great site Tom!

Tom Barr

Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
You likely need more CO2.
Add more nutrients.
Stop with the Excel.

The O japonicus is not a true aquatic, it'll die and rot slowly over time.
I use to have it outside in my landscape, it's terrestrial.
Add more plants and prune the Cabomba and let it fill in a bit, moneywort is a very easy to grow plant. If it gets enough light, things should be fine.

Note, most of it is grown emersed, it'll take a little adaptation time to grow well underwater.

Tom Barr