Water Treatment [13 course]: Scaramento State
BS in Aquatic Biology: University of California, Santa Barbara
MS in Botany, University of Florida, Gainesville
In Progress: Ph.D. UC Davis, Plant Sciences
What I am involved in:
1.I teach Biology at a Community college. I will continue to teach and seek a position at UC in the future as a professor and researcher.
2.I maintain planted aquariums as a business and have done so off and on for about 10 years. I have kept planted aquariums as a focus since 1989. I've had some plants in my tanks since about 1977. I did not start my college education till after I was already keeping fully planted tanks. I have spoken at many societies and meetings over the years on aquatic plants, both marine and freshwater on a wide range of topics. I've designed numerous devices to help aquarist over the years and have done woodworking and acrylic and plastics fabrication.
3. I have done substantial lake management the last 5 years and continue to work on many projects for larger Koi ponds, fungi control, lakes, wetland creation and do environmental consulting as business.
4. I presently work for the CDFA (California Dept of Food and Agriculture doing educational outreach, review articles, testing of herbices on aquatic invasive weeds. In the future, my role will be reduced at the CDFA and I will move to UC Davis' Aquatic Weed lab in conjunction with the USDA, and work with Dr Lars Anderson on the Synergistic Effects of Multiple Alternative Treatments on Hydrilla verticillata, Egeria densa and Eurasian milfoil.
Presently I am conducting a research control effort with South american Sponge plant(Limnobium spongia var laevigatum) and starting a 2 year funded Hydrilla tuber study as well as a purple loostrife study later this fall.
5. I write for this web site.
I seek understanding on the basic questions surrounding plant growth and control. My research addresses both herbicidal and non herbicidal methods as alternatives and using new approaches to solve aquatic weed control issues. These include both microphytes (algae generally) and macrophytes (Plants and seaweeds) and fresh and saltwater environments.
I seek to find very specific minimal dosing rates for the target weed.
This reduces cost, improves the impact on non target plants and reduces the longer term environmental impacts.
I've discussed many topics over the years on the web and in person with many people interested in plants. I am involved with a number of local societies and am a member of SFBAAPS in San Francisco, CA, the oldest and perhaps largest aquatic plant hobbyist group in the USA.
I have had articles published in Polish, German, Italian and English.
I have articles in Weed science journals, TFH, FAMA, TAG, AP and RA, AP and GGA.
Tom Barr
Water Treatment [13 course]: Scaramento State
BS in Aquatic Biology: University of California, Santa Barbara
MS in Botany, University of Florida, Gainesville
In Progress: Ph.D. UC Davis, Plant Sciences
What I am involved in:
1.I teach Biology at a Community college. I will continue to teach and seek a position at UC in the future as a professor and researcher.
2.I maintain planted aquariums as a business and have done so off and on for about 10 years. I have kept planted aquariums as a focus since 1989. I've had some plants in my tanks since about 1977. I did not start my college education till after I was already keeping fully planted tanks. I have spoken at many societies and meetings over the years on aquatic plants, both marine and freshwater on a wide range of topics. I've designed numerous devices to help aquarist over the years and have done woodworking and acrylic and plastics fabrication.
3. I have done substantial lake management the last 5 years and continue to work on many projects for larger Koi ponds, fungi control, lakes, wetland creation and do environmental consulting as business.
4. I presently work for the CDFA (California Dept of Food and Agriculture doing educational outreach, review articles, testing of herbices on aquatic invasive weeds. In the future, my role will be reduced at the CDFA and I will move to UC Davis' Aquatic Weed lab in conjunction with the USDA, and work with Dr Lars Anderson on the Synergistic Effects of Multiple Alternative Treatments on Hydrilla verticillata, Egeria densa and Eurasian milfoil.
Presently I am conducting a research control effort with South american Sponge plant(Limnobium spongia var laevigatum) and starting a 2 year funded Hydrilla tuber study as well as a purple loostrife study later this fall.
5. I write for this web site.
I seek understanding on the basic questions surrounding plant growth and control. My research addresses both herbicidal and non herbicidal methods as alternatives and using new approaches to solve aquatic weed control issues. These include both microphytes (algae generally) and macrophytes (Plants and seaweeds) and fresh and saltwater environments.
I seek to find very specific minimal dosing rates for the target weed.
This reduces cost, improves the impact on non target plants and reduces the longer term environmental impacts.
I've discussed many topics over the years on the web and in person with many people interested in plants. I am involved with a number of local societies and am a member of SFBAAPS in San Francisco, CA, the oldest and perhaps largest aquatic plant hobbyist group in the USA.
I have had articles published in Polish, German, Italian and English.
I have articles in Weed science journals, TFH, FAMA, TAG, AP and RA, AP and GGA.
Tom Barr