When can I start EI dosing with ADA substrate?


Prolific Poster
Jan 31, 2005
Dubai, U.A.E.
I finally switched over to ADA AS/PS with Tourmaline BC. I am adding only Brighty K. I also added mulm from my old tank.

I miss EI so much when I didn't have to worry about anything. What I want to know is when can I get back to my EI dosing regime? They say that accesss nutrients will cause algae but we have proven that it does not with EI. My Kh is now at 0 and Ph fluctuates bewteen 5.7 and 6. Adding 3bps Co2 through inline Rex reactor. But I have have no idea how much co2 is there, since the chart is off now.

I need to get back into EI. My No3 reading is over 60ppm and PO4 at 2ppm+. Ammonia is over 6. No fish will be added for 4 weeks at least. Only Amano shrimps and Ottos in another 10 days.

I have read that some do EI from day one and some wait for 4 weeks. Some suggested I do not use PS and start EI, but I did buy PS and used it.

Please advise?

Tom Barr

Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
Re: When can I start EI dosing with ADA substrate?

You need to do frequent water changes when you start up any ADA AS tank.

That's where the EI part comes in and makes life easy.

2x a week 50% for the first 4 weeks is a good amount.
Some do a little less/more.

Then down to once a week, 50%.

You can start right away dosing with the cheap ferts.
We do not wait to dose after pruning or trimming do we?

The tank is still cycling some, but removing any build up will help.
NH4 will cause algae, the AS has some in it.
After a couple of weeks, or so, most on the outside of the grains is converted to NO3 or leeched into the water column.

Some water changes always help, dose thereafter.
You will find ADA AS very forgiving if you forget to dose, and very much so with some plants.

For now, just crank the CO2, do water changes and dose.
You can add shrimp in a week or two.
I add SAE's the same day typically(with mulm/lots of plant biomass), never lost one.

Tom Barr


Prolific Poster
Jan 31, 2005
Dubai, U.A.E.
Re: When can I start EI dosing with ADA substrate?

Tom Barr said:
You need to do frequent water changes when you start up any ADA AS tank.

That's where the EI part comes in and makes life easy.

2x a week 50% for the first 4 weeks is a good amount.
Some do a little less/more.
Then down to once a week, 50%.

I have already planned on water changes 2x a week for 4 weeks.

You can start right away dosing with the cheap ferts.
We do not wait to dose after pruning or trimming do we?

You mean here that I can start dosing today? Keeping it lean or full dose?

The tank is still cycling some, but removing any build up will help.
NH4 will cause algae, the AS has some in it.
After a couple of weeks, or so, most on the outside of the grains is converted to NO3 or leeched into the water column.

Some water changes always help, dose thereafter.
You will find ADA AS very forgiving if you forget to dose, and very much so with some plants.

I understand that As has NH4 that is what I dread. Here you say I should dose thereafter, so do you mean after each water changes?

For now, just crank the CO2, do water changes and dose.
You can add shrimp in a week or two.
I add SAE's the same day typically(with mulm/lots of plant biomass), never lost one.
Tom Barr

So if I'm doing water changes bi-weekly, can I get away with dosing EI 2x a week right after water cahnges?

Basically, after a water change, dose KNO3 3/4 Tspoon, PO4 1/2 Tspoon, Mg/So4 and CSM+B 15ML the following day, then wait 3 days and do another WC. Is this ok? This is of course if you are saying to dose right away. If not that I start dosing after 4 weeks? Also I can skip Brighty K right? Since we already have K in Kno3.

Please clarify, thank you.


Prolific Poster
Jan 31, 2005
Dubai, U.A.E.
Re: When can I start EI dosing with ADA substrate?

Tom Barr said:
You need to do frequent water changes when you start up any ADA AS tank.

That's where the EI part comes in and makes life easy.

2x a week 50% for the first 4 weeks is a good amount.
Some do a little less/more.

Then down to once a week, 50%.

You can start right away dosing with the cheap ferts.
We do not wait to dose after pruning or trimming do we?

The tank is still cycling some, but removing any build up will help.
NH4 will cause algae, the AS has some in it.
After a couple of weeks, or so, most on the outside of the grains is converted to NO3 or leeched into the water column.

Some water changes always help, dose thereafter.
You will find ADA AS very forgiving if you forget to dose, and very much so with some plants.

For now, just crank the CO2, do water changes and dose.
You can add shrimp in a week or two.
I add SAE's the same day typically(with mulm/lots of plant biomass), never lost one.

Tom Barr


I'm sorry, I did not read through your reply carefully as I was in a rush and wrote my reply.

I just read through again and I understand you want me to start dosing twice a week, after a water change at half strength. This will be for 4 weeks.

Then once a week at half strength.

I have upped my Co2 this morning, so let's see how far I can stretch it. I have noticed small snails in my tank and they seem to be doing fine even with the high amount of ammonia. I did add a lot of mulm, and am adding Stability and Green Bectar everyday, I think the cycle will be faster. Filter media is also old.

I'll add Ottos and Amano Shrimps after another week.

Tom Barr

Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
Re: When can I start EI dosing with ADA substrate?

Sounds fine, just keep doing the water changes, you can do more than 50% also.

A little patience is all you need and a little time.

Tom Barr