Re: What plants to put along back of tank?
Hi axl,
The strategy I used was to fill the back line with tons of H. Corymbosa which grow rapidly and have a nice lime green color. That helped to satisfy the high initial biomass requirement cheaply. I' m partial to amazons but where I live they are expensive so I got young plants and put them in just in front of the Corymbosas. By the time the Corymbosas grew to the top I the amazons would be a decent size so I pulled the Corymbosa out and moved the amazons along the back. The Corymbosas can then be chopped in half and the tops replanted in a corner (the bottom leaves get shaded and drop off so they look leggy). It's strictly amy opinion but I don't really care for the vals, especially in large tanks where they tend to splay out like spaghetti and look generally unruly. I have my filter output along the back so that I prefer to have stiff broad leaf plants to resist the flow. Just an opinion...