Cuts Down On Detritus Mulm While Feeding Baby Fish
Hi All,
The detritus of aquarium life is a debated topic.
I like to think of myself as the sort that does not care should a little mulm pile up; after all, it provides a home for infusorians that feed or baby fish and various generally helpful bacteria.
But I find myself vacuuming the stuff up more often than not.
I maintain a number of tanks from my pre-enriched substrate days that use deep sand beds (DSB) as substrates that also serve along with the plants as my primary filtration. The mulm is the secret ingredient and why some assume my inert sand and silt are enriched (well they are, just not the way folks usually think). :gw
The enriched substrates, as well as very mature DSB rarely allow much build up of mulm, one of the reasons I am such a fan of worm poop and kitty litter substrates, an inch or two of enriched substrates mimics many of the desirable elements of mature deep sand beds without the wait.
(The downside is the need for external filtering.)