A couple pictures of my 40gal breeder from yesterday, before trimming. It's high light with daily N (and by extension, K) and Fe input and every other day dosing of P and other micros via Good Shit: http://www.barrreport.com/showthrea...Plant-Nutrition-(or-how-to-make-the-Good-Shit) . Large water changes at least once a week, unless work is rough. Equipment is a broken Eheim used to hold filter floss (no biomedia) driven by an old MagDrive, then into a Hydor inline heater. Soil is a mix of RedSea Florabase, AquaSoil Amazonia, and terrestrial stuff. There's a humidifier in the back for the emergent stuff.
Submerged flower on Polygonum sp. 'Sao Paulo'
Cruising around the top
Submerged flower on Polygonum sp. 'Sao Paulo'
Cruising around the top
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