Re: Weeds
TF grows about 3" weekly
Erios, well, they are weeds, 2-3" and many branchings
L pantanal, this is a weed, grows 4-5" a week
I tossed it out due to weediness.
I keep a small piece now.
L cuba grows 5-6" a week, grows more in a client's tank that gets basic EI.
T manaus grows slower, about 1-2" a week, it's a nice plant.
Even Crypt nurii does well.
I'm not sure why folks think the ADA liquid ferts are blessed with some magical properties. The Aqua soil is great stuff, but IME, the ferts are not particularly great in terms of growth rates, which is what plant preferences are defined by.
Clearly the color and tougher species do very well with EI and ADA AS alone.
Slowing things down is easy, you reduce the lighting.
Instead of 4" a week, you get 1-2"
I've also been very agressive in uprooting and moving plants around, seems to work very well, like gravel in terms of mulm, algae etc.
I'll measure the contents of the liquid ADA fert line later this or next month.
Then you will know what is in them and will be able to DIY them. You cannot hide the chemistry.
Tom Barr