Yes, you can reset with a water change and rich sediment, or with the water column.
The problem arises when folks add algae to the issue.
Some believe you can limit algae(PO4, CO2, NO3 etc)
Vegetative adult algae growth and new spore germination are two VERY different things.
None of these folks have done any algae test I'm aware of other than myself.
At least none with a single control.
So if you are going to talk about algae, you need to ID algae, and you need to test specifically for algae. You need to know at least one or more causes also.
Some folks claim nutrients(NO3/PO4) in the water column = algae.
That is total baloney and simply put: wrong.
It can be easily falsified and many planted aquarist have done so for a decade or more now,
repeatedly. This should be accepted as it has stood the test of time and passes the muster. I'm really not sure why some people keep suggesting it, it's a myth.
They want to suggest less is better and seem to think less = less algae if you dose less in the water column, and it's just not so.
Rich sediment ferts is fine, I've never once had any issue with that method.
I have no idea why some seem so in love with a lean water column.......I've never understood this.
Yet add lots of CO2, which is much more toxic to fish than NO3 and we do not ever have data on toxic levels of PO4.
It makes no sense as far as fish, as far algae or plant growth.
If you desire slower more consistent easier to prune growth, use less light, use a midday blast with a HQI MH for 2-4 hours etc.
Use lower light T5's etc.
There's no need, neither Amano nor Oliver use high light either and if so, they only use a small amount for a very short while.
Then folks scratch their heads and wonder how they do it
David tells folks, so does Amano, so do I and so have other going back 10+ years, but they still do not listen.
Light starts all uptake.
So that's the best wisest place to start.
Water changes can flush out any differences and keep the nutrients in line.
Using less light means you can run it leaener and get more life out of the sediments, the CO2, and the water column.
It's not "either or" the sediment/water column, it's both.
You do not even need to do water changes with lower light non CO2 tanks either, for months, years even, no testing either.
But back to PMDD........
You will get more out EI/PMDD + PO4 etc, any method, Sediment sources of ferts by reducing the light intensity, and if you insist on still using it, try a little blast midday only.
Worm castings was all the rage several years ago, but they did not have access to KNO3, or KH2PO4 etc, they had to make do with what they had.
Still, it adds ferts just like the water column methods.
When folks test and measure nutrients, it really depends on WHERE you test.
Kasslemann came to the USA, showed slide after slide of plants and showed water column nutrient levels, which where pretty much zero ppm for many.
I asked her later if she had measured the soils and the pore water in the sediments where she collected the plants "No".
Now it does not take genius to figure out the plants are getting plenty of nutrients, and why would you show such data and make comments without also measuring the sediment nutrient content as well?
Water column test kits are the only method hobbyists use.
But they do not test where plnts can also get and obtain nutrients from.
You can only make assumptions on the water column with inert sediments like sand etc.
But folks, even Kasslemann sat there and tried to do it.
Plants have roots after all.
Tom Barr