Hi all,
After going way overboard in my calculations I ended up having 300W MH in my 50gal tank giving me near as makes no difference 6wpg. I have CO2 fert and use Ocean Nutrition Fertil+ and Trace+ for my macros and micros (except NO3 and PO4.
I have 2 questions
EI states that if u have high light you can go the next step up, will this be enough for me?
If I dose double the nitrates and phosphates as per EI should I also dose double the Fertil+ and Trace+ or should I always follow the instructions on the bottle?
Thanks and regards
After going way overboard in my calculations I ended up having 300W MH in my 50gal tank giving me near as makes no difference 6wpg. I have CO2 fert and use Ocean Nutrition Fertil+ and Trace+ for my macros and micros (except NO3 and PO4.
I have 2 questions
EI states that if u have high light you can go the next step up, will this be enough for me?
If I dose double the nitrates and phosphates as per EI should I also dose double the Fertil+ and Trace+ or should I always follow the instructions on the bottle?
Thanks and regards