UV Sterilizer


Lifetime Charter Member
Lifetime Member
Jan 24, 2005
I have a Lifeguard UV Sterilizer for my 75 gallon tank that I want to use. I lost the instruction booklet, and now, naturally, I have a few questions. Looking at the sterilizer, with the label facing me, which is the input side of the sterilizer, the left or right port? Wouldn't seem to make a difference, but the thought did occur to me, and I couldn't answer the question. Also, is there a specific time ( both time length and time period) that would be best to run the sterilizer? At night, during the day, for how long? I 'm using it as more a preventative measure against GWA than anything else. Thx in advance.

Walter :gw :D


Lifetime Members
Lifetime Member
Jan 29, 2005
Re: UV Sterilizer

ok. It looks like those diagrams apply then. Just wanted to be sure it was upright model.


Junior Poster
Mar 11, 2005
Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada
Re: UV Sterilizer

I run my UV for 24-48 hours after I prune my tank and scrape the glass. I'm hoping it gets the waterbourne algae and spores... but it might be a simply a placebo and wishful thinking :)

It did clear up a GW outbreak in my 75g in less than 48 hours after one week of a diatom filter did nothing though.

Tom Barr

Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
Re: UV Sterilizer

I would do what Metasyntax suggest at most, but if things are fine right now, I typically never run it, only when things need to be cleaned up.

Tom Barr


Junior Poster
Apr 14, 2006
Re: UV Sterilizer

Speaking about UV sterilizer, I have used it for some time but I had some problems with Iron content in my tank. No matter how much iron you add, the sterilizer will make your iron content in the tank zero. My experience is with the UV sterilizer is positive for quality of water (cristal clear). Didn't notice a decrease in algae growth. Very good for fish tanks in preventing various bacterial sicknessess. In a planted acquarium I wouldn' use it. Waste of money. Most of my plants had problems showing lack of nutrients. Hygrophila showed a severe lack of Potassium (holes on leaves). I don't know the reasons of all this but my experience is this.
Bottom line: I think I have wasted money. I would like to know what Tom thinks about this topic.

P.S. This is my first post on this forum. I am Italian. Forgive my English if it's not perfect. :(


Guru Class Expert
Mar 14, 2006
Toronto Ontario (Canada?)
Re: UV Sterilizer

massi186 said:
Speaking about UV sterilizer, I have used it for some time but I had some problems with Iron content in my tank. No matter how much iron you add, the sterilizer will make your iron content in the tank zero. My experience is with the UV sterilizer is positive for quality of water (cristal clear). Didn't notice a decrease in algae growth. Very good for fish tanks in preventing various bacterial sicknessess. In a planted acquarium I wouldn' use it. Waste of money. Most of my plants had problems showing lack of nutrients. Hygrophila showed a severe lack of Potassium (holes on leaves). I don't know the reasons of all this but my experience is this.
Bottom line: I think I have wasted money. I would like to know what Tom thinks about this topic.

P.S. This is my first post on this forum. I am Italian. Forgive my English if it's not perfect. :(

First -- I should get you to teach my kids english (they are in their mid to late 20's :))

I have a UV sterilizer and a planted tank running EI. I have used it twice, each time for exactly one week -- to remove green water -- it did that. I then removed it an stored it for use next time I happen to run into a green water algae situation. Yes it can remove nutrients the plants need, so I would not leave it running.

Tom Barr

Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
Re: UV Sterilizer

massi186 said:
Speaking about UV sterilizer, I have used it for some time but I had some problems with Iron content in my tank. No matter how much iron you add, the sterilizer will make your iron content in the tank zero. My experience is with the UV sterilizer is positive for quality of water (cristal clear). Didn't notice a decrease in algae growth. Very good for fish tanks in preventing various bacterial sicknessess. In a planted acquarium I wouldn' use it. Waste of money. Most of my plants had problems showing lack of nutrients. Hygrophila showed a severe lack of Potassium (holes on leaves). I don't know the reasons of all this but my experience is this.
Bottom line: I think I have wasted money. I would like to know what Tom thinks about this topic.

P.S. This is my first post on this forum. I am Italian. Forgive my English if it's not perfect. :(

Your iron would measure zero anyway.
The tank's Fe2+ levels are hard to determine with a test kit, and the test kit does not tell you that much nor correlate well with plant health and vigor.

They are almost never used nor needed in Planted tanks except for folks with Green water algae.

Tom Barr


Prolific Poster
Feb 24, 2006
Re: UV Sterilizer


Does UV sterilizer effect macro and micro elements or nutrients of water in our tanks? :confused:

Tom Barr

Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
Re: UV Sterilizer

some like to make that claim because someone else or a books made the claim but I've never seen much support observationally in terms of the plant health/growth rates being reduce due to UV use.

Have you?

I agree higher energy UV light can break bonds etc, but these bonds are breaking anyway in the tanks and at a fairly fast rate.

If you have a very strong chelator, perhaps this will, but then the UV light effects the Fe poorly, if the bond is weak, say they use gluconate, then it'll be easier to break but we know Fe gluconate does not stay in solution long anyway, even without a UV.

Any nutrients that are chelated can be effected (not just Fe).
So in general only the trace metals that have chelators will be affected.

Tom Barr


Jan 24, 2005
Cologne, Germany
Re: UV Sterilizer

My experience with UV's is as follows:

With daily fertilization I'm inclined to say that it does not affect trace metals to a (plant) visible degree. I've switched the UV (11 watts running 24 hrs and driven by an Eheim 2224 outlet on a 20g ) on and off during the last 2 years for several times and for periods of 1 to 2 weeks without noticing any plant response differences. But, as I said I'm dosing daily so that might have an impact on my findings.

As for fish health yes it seems to be a reasonable device. Since using UV's I've not seen any fungi or fish deseases. Without it yes in very rare cases over a couple of years I lost a fish or two when water quality got poor due to me neglecting the tank. I've come to the conclusion to run a UV permanently during night time hours only and together with daily trace supplementations in the morning when the UV has been switched off again. In well run densely planted and not over populated tanks UV's are not necessary IMHO.
