Using Ferts?


Junior Poster
Jan 15, 2009
Hey everyone,
Great to be on the fourm:D!

I have a planted 26 gallon tank, and I'm having some trouble with my plants (My first planted tank :S). Just about all of my plants are showing obvious deficiencies, but I don't really know of what. Almost all of them are either yellowish, or brown. I want Green! So, I really don't know so much about what to do, but is it too late for them? I know dead leaves would be clear-ish and soft, and that isn't the sign with most of them, but is there any other ways to tell if a plant is dead or not?
I really couldn't tell you all of their names of the top of my head, since they weren't written down when they were shipped to me, and I didn't choose them, so it may take me some time to get it right if you guys think its important to know.
So, my main question is do I need more fertilizers? I'm using daily doses of Flourish Excel, and it's only been a few days, so I may be rushing it, but no results. I'm running 2, DIY CO2, 2L bottles, since my pressurized was not working correctly. I am getting sent a new bubble counter, so I should have it working soon, but for now this is what I got :(. I'm also running 3 watts per gallon (2x39watts, T5 6700K).

So, I wanted to know if I should order some fertilizers from here:

Shop online at

I'm a real noob at this and don't even know what to even look to order.

Please help!



Junior Poster
Jan 15, 2009
Another Quick Question..

I just thought of an idea that might help me a bit...

Right now, both of my DIY CO2 are being diffused by chopsticks. It's doing pretty well and I always see a bunch of little bubbles, but do you think I should hook it up to my Red Sea CO2 Reactor 500? It is supposed to have 99% dissolving, so would this work? Will there be enough CO2 flowing to get the reactor running, or does it need more pressure? Should I just have one of the two connected to it, or would it be smarter if I joined them with a T connector before hitting the reactor?

Thanks again.