Maybe your wife or significant other might let you pee in your tank, mine would have none of it. KNO3 it is or more fish/fish food.
Why bother?
I'm not talking about the implied baloney, but just practical stuff, we keep planted fish tanks.
Perhaps some folks want plant only, no fish.
I've done this, but found no advantage, actually less algae likelyhood without fish and similar growth rates on about 30-40 species of plants.
I used KNO3 as the only input of N.
I pay 22.50 for 50lsb of KNO3.
That's easier, at least for me, than peeing, not knowing the concentrations I'm adding, without measuring and testing for total N, and the fractions of each type thereof.
Suppose someone had to take care or dose, or you had a liquid standard pee solution near?
"Drink water before you come over to feed and only pee for 10 seconds for 80 gallon tank"
Uh huh............
I see no advantage unless you simply cannot get KNO3 or Ca(NO3)2 etc.
Some, if not a lot of the reduced N ends up converted by bacteria rather than removed just by plants alone.
That's how they do the fishless cycling after all.
NH4 oxidizers are very quick to respond.
I just am trying to come up with a good enough reason to go this route.
Let me ask another question, would you use your own feces for the sediment?
If not, then why this?
Also, there is a lot of Na in urine.
Peeing in the wind it seems to me.
And if you have a significant other living with you, they will certainly not go for this one. You do put your arms in the water and prune, clean etc do you not?
Would you do this in toilet bowl as well?
Some semi basic questions and sanitation and I really do not think you are get past those issues.
If balanced systems are really your game, then a non CO2 method fits the bill much better than this.
Thus far I've read nothing that would convince me that this is something I could ever suggest to any hobbyist.
Tom Barr