So, I just got back from a week long vacation to Cuba, and am happy my fish are all alive, if a bit fat. It seems my house/kid/pet sitter was a bit overly generous in his feedings, and ammonia in the 90g has spiked from 0 to 0.25 (dosed with prime last night expecting I'd find that when I tested this morning, and am planning a large wc this afternoon).
Plants are doing GREAT. I'd added a DIY-style CO2 system to the 90 right before I left, and there's definitely been some increased growth as a result. Especially my red lily - it's sending two leaves to the surface, and the taller one is almost there. I know that to prevent the lily from flowering and then going dormant, I should pinch off the leaf - my question is, where on the stem/plant should I do that?
Also, the algae problem I'm battling doesn't seem any better, *might* be worse, it's hard to say. I'm pretty sure it's hair algae, and it's mainly attacking my java moss, although my hairy bacopa and one of the varieties of crypts is also somewhat affected (but still growing well, where the javamoss is struggling). If the CO2 was going to help, would I have seen a change already? Do I need to give it more time?
I'm guessing, since I've still got an algae issue, I've still got an imbalance in the tank, and it's probably nutrients that I'm short on, since, as always, my nitrates are at 0. I'm waiting on our lfs to bring in some macro ferts for me to use, as that seems the easiest route (I'm not big on online shopping). Is there anything else I can do in the meantime to keep the algae in check? I don't want to start losing plants...
Plants are doing GREAT. I'd added a DIY-style CO2 system to the 90 right before I left, and there's definitely been some increased growth as a result. Especially my red lily - it's sending two leaves to the surface, and the taller one is almost there. I know that to prevent the lily from flowering and then going dormant, I should pinch off the leaf - my question is, where on the stem/plant should I do that?
Also, the algae problem I'm battling doesn't seem any better, *might* be worse, it's hard to say. I'm pretty sure it's hair algae, and it's mainly attacking my java moss, although my hairy bacopa and one of the varieties of crypts is also somewhat affected (but still growing well, where the javamoss is struggling). If the CO2 was going to help, would I have seen a change already? Do I need to give it more time?
I'm guessing, since I've still got an algae issue, I've still got an imbalance in the tank, and it's probably nutrients that I'm short on, since, as always, my nitrates are at 0. I'm waiting on our lfs to bring in some macro ferts for me to use, as that seems the easiest route (I'm not big on online shopping). Is there anything else I can do in the meantime to keep the algae in check? I don't want to start losing plants...