tom, after water change you say to add traces next day. do trace elements get neutralized when dosed at time of nitrate and phospates? i've read this before about the NEXT DAY. thank you , cornhusker
Laith said:Mixing Fe and Phosphates together can lead to the Fe precipitating out into Iron phophate. This, as I understand it, is not usable by plants...
Ian H said:My fish area looks like an alchemists store already.
As my PMDD mix contains no PO4 compounds can I safely assume that my traces within the mix are not being compromised?m lemay said:The higher the concentration of PO4 is in a solution the more likely that you'll have a reaction with Fe. So yes in a fish tank with average levels of PO4 it is more likely that the plants will get to use the fe before it reacts with po4, Where as in a dosing solution, po4 levels are much higher and dwell time is much longer(sitting in a bottle for weeks at a time), this is a perfect environment for a reaction to FePo4.