Just realized this today. Having setup my 20 gallon long, I used my 30" coralife fixture with two 31 watt T5HO bulbs. Time to take a bulb out. Don't know how I missed that. Forunately, only a week in to this tank's life.
Here's where I have a question. My 55 gallon is using a 48" coralife fixture with two 51 watt T5HO bulbs. The fixture sits about 2" to 2.5" above the tank, so about 3" to 3/5" above water surface, on for 8 hours a day, using glass tops. I have no visible algae a month in with this tank. I dose Excel every day, about 6 ml. No pressurized CO2. I prefer to plant heavy and grow slow, so am I ok with two bulbs here, or should I remove one? I'm thinking in this case, one bulb may be a bit low, but since they are T5HO, I'm not sure.
Here's where I have a question. My 55 gallon is using a 48" coralife fixture with two 51 watt T5HO bulbs. The fixture sits about 2" to 2.5" above the tank, so about 3" to 3/5" above water surface, on for 8 hours a day, using glass tops. I have no visible algae a month in with this tank. I dose Excel every day, about 6 ml. No pressurized CO2. I prefer to plant heavy and grow slow, so am I ok with two bulbs here, or should I remove one? I'm thinking in this case, one bulb may be a bit low, but since they are T5HO, I'm not sure.