Re: Tom's special substrate
I can supply the needs of a large organic farming operation, actually, several.
You do not have enough planted tanks to run out of this stuff.
It is also Certified Organic, no one else can make that claim.
The grain size is 1.4mm to 2.8mm 14-7 mesh size.
Mixes well with peat and sand.
3% Ca
0.8% Mg
1% sulfur
0.05% Mn
0.04% Zn
0.2% NH4
0.2% Water soluble N
1.6% water insouble N
They have richer NH4 depending on need.
All products are natural, contain humic, Fluvic, ulmic and amino acids, coated with souble carbohydrate(molasses) for enhancing microbial growth, these microbial communities contribute to N minerization, nutrient uptake and natural plant protection.
Also, they are available world wide in the Middle East, Asia, N and S America, Europe.
Gee, I sound like some type of salesman
We will see how it will do next to the ADA stuff shortly.
It's not quite as dark as the ADA stuff and it's a little smaller grained.
They have a size smaller also, 0.6mm to 1.4mm.
I am also seeing about getting MPV Turface
black also, it's sort of grey, a tad like Onyx sand, looks much nicer though and hopefully the pro league formulation will be available in this color also. This is about 1/2 the grain size as normal Turface(also sold as Profile, Schlutz's aquatic plant soil etc for 6-8$ for 10lbs, this should be about 12$ for 50lbs).
Tom Barr