This forum and the BarrReport

Tom Barr

Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
The Barr Report is divided into two main sections, one is a subscription based monthly web magazine. Both have forum sections.

Membership is free for the public Forums.
Subscribers are paid members that get the monthly articles, Translations, their own forum and personalized help.

It is not a newbie styled article nor is that the intent, there are plenty of books and on line references for such information, feel free to ask or suggest some references!!

The articles tend to be about 10-15 pages long and filled with many journal based references, pictures, figures and so forth.
Comments about each month's article are welcomed and fully encouraged, much of the information will go over many folk's heads, that's okay, the same can occur in the scaping realm as well! You can learn more about that later as time premits and as your own interest evolve and grow like the plants and the hobby.
this way when you do decide to learn more about aparticular topic, it's there waiting for you and you do not have to search far for it.

The BarrReport is committed to the total development of the plant gardener, not just the science, but the art that together, go hand in hand.

I will tend to folks in the private subscriber based area with due diligence.
It's 12.95$ a year and we have lifetime membership accounts available as well.

The subscription side is troll free, they tend not to like to pay:D

The information is new and in depth for each topic. They are not easy light reading, they are design to make you think and reconsider many long held assumptions and approach things in a different better informed light.
They tie in a wide diversity of fields for support and I try to have the best references for each item that is supported.

I have covered about every plant nutrient thus far in great detail, much more than anything done thus far, and folks have access to each past month's compressed pdf file that is easy to download and print out or read on line.
This method saves costly mailing fees, deliverly problems if you live Kudusk, Russia or in San Pablo, Brazil. Such delivery also cost fuel transportation cost, paper and it's production whereas the web method is far more environmentally friendly and we can correct and edit articles as needed.

If you speak/write another language, please email me about translating and being reimbrused for articles, this information needs to get out to everyone, regadless of their native lanuage.

The BarrReport Public non advertizer paid/sponsered Forum would not be possible if it where not for the success of the subscriber based web magazine. We have the extra bandwidth and have reinvested in better upgrades in the software.

We do not have to do this public forum for any $$$, we make none from it and the folks that help are all dedicated hobbyists doing this for passion and love of the plants.

The forum is unique in that we have no obnoxious vendor ad banners.

We do want you to send us your local plant club, contest and society meeting announcements/banners so we can add those to the banner rotations as well as personal sites promoting the hobby in non commericial interest.

Vendors are allowed one line for their signatures just like non commerical folks.Spam post have zero tolerance. There is a fair amount of leeway on this forum as long as it's about plant topics, personal baloney and semantics will not last here. Stick to the plant topics, not the personal ones.

Warm regards,

Tom Barr