Thank you Greg and everyone visit his website


Junior Poster
Apr 17, 2005
SE Missouri
I've recently begun to strive to TRY and figure out how to become a better aquarist. Been studying Tom's words for years, but being as "chemistry-challenged" as I am, had trouble putting it all together.

Contacted Greg ( in a panic and not only did he ship fertilizers to me SUPER FAST, but also sent me numerous emails until I understood how to use them.

No better service anywhere. Greg, I thank you, my plants thank you and most of all..........MY HUSBAND THANKS YOU...........I'm much calmer now!

Jaudon Vance

Tom Barr

Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
Re: Thank you Greg and everyone visit his website

Dope and smack like KNO3 and KH2PO4 will have that emotional impact on people. We aim to please, Greg is top flight in business, as someone that works with him on projects, I can personally attest to that and it's the reason why this project, the Barr Report, works.

I try to help folks with plants, so does Greg. Now I hope the folks we help can go grow awesome plants. Then they will hopefully produce awesome aquascapes! That is the real prize for me.

Then many of these folks we help, help others to grow plants. Next thing you know, the hobby has grown and become much more popular and more folks are successful!

I helped Greg a long time ago(I did not even remember when or what I helped him with), now he helps 1000's.

Maybe someday you'll help a few folks? Most likely you will and you'll enjoy it.

Tom Barr

Greg Watson

Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
United States
Re: Thank you Greg and everyone visit his website

Tom Barr said:
Then many of these folks we help, help others to grow plants. Next thing you know, the hobby has grown and become much more popular and more folks are successful!

I helped Greg a long time ago(I did not even remember when or what I helped him with), now he helps 1000's.

Maybe someday you'll help a few folks? Most likely you will and you'll enjoy it.

I would describe it like this: Tom had to beat me over the head with all of the 2x4's that he had until he broke every single one of them. Then he started using the 4x4 fence posts ... it finally sunk in that it was ok to dose Potassium Nitrate and Mono Potassium Phosphate freely ... and it finally sunk in that it was ok to dose micro nutrients freely ...

For decades ... the mantra for this "fish person" was "Nitrates Bad - Nitrates Bad - Nitrates Bad - Nitrates Bad" ... after all, if you have a fish die, what is the first thing that a LFS will ask? What are your nitrates? Obviously they must be high and that obviously must be your problem !!!! Now trying to make me believe that it was ok to pour a liquid nitrate soultion into my tank was like breaking 2x4's over the top of my head ... and at the same time trying to tell pouring a liquid Phosphate solution into my tank was like then breaking 4x4's over my head ...

I "trusted" Mr. Barr to follow his advice ... and truth exercised won out ...

That's the key point ... "truth exercised won out" ... in a variety of forums, you may find argumentative, sometimes even obnoxious people, that simply refuse to allow "truth exercised to win out" ...

If you are unwilling to exercise truth ... it's like going through life with blinders on, its tough to see ... ooops ... I think someone allready wrote that ... you can argu "minutia" all you want ... but if you exercise truth, the minutia will start to become clear ...

That's also one of the great aspects of the Barr Report. In our daily lives, we can exercise truth. And through the Barr Report (and the forums here) each of us can develop a greater understanding of the "minutia" - the technical knowledge and the technical understanding.

I am excited about the path that Tom has created. Over the next few year, the Barr Report will continue each month to increase that technical level of knowledge and understanding in an environment where each of us are empowered to absorb as much of that knowledge as is relevant to us at the time.

Thank you Mr. Barr!
