Tom and Friends,
I am starting excel dosing in my low tech non Co2 tank. I know if I dose excel it will no longer be low tech, but I am looking for some more dramatic plant growth. I got the below from your non co2 thread and I just want to clarify. Do you recommend dosing 1.5 to 2 times the dosage excel asks for? I just want to be absolutely sure before I start dumping it in.
Thank you in advance,
"Excel can use EI directly at about 1/4 dosing amounts 2x a week and likely be extended up to 2-4 weeks water changes. But if you have issues or want to keep things looking good and on top of it, do weekly water changes and see how well you can get the tank looking, then try backing off the water changes later if you wish.
So a 20 gal using excel would get:
2 w/gal light
Dose 1/8 teaspoon KNO3 1-2x a week
KH2PO4, 1/16th, 1-2x a week
Traces, 2mls 2x a week
SeaChem EQ 1/8th once a week
50% weekly water change
Dose 1.5-2x the rec dosing for Excel."
I am starting excel dosing in my low tech non Co2 tank. I know if I dose excel it will no longer be low tech, but I am looking for some more dramatic plant growth. I got the below from your non co2 thread and I just want to clarify. Do you recommend dosing 1.5 to 2 times the dosage excel asks for? I just want to be absolutely sure before I start dumping it in.
Thank you in advance,
"Excel can use EI directly at about 1/4 dosing amounts 2x a week and likely be extended up to 2-4 weeks water changes. But if you have issues or want to keep things looking good and on top of it, do weekly water changes and see how well you can get the tank looking, then try backing off the water changes later if you wish.
So a 20 gal using excel would get:
2 w/gal light
Dose 1/8 teaspoon KNO3 1-2x a week
KH2PO4, 1/16th, 1-2x a week
Traces, 2mls 2x a week
SeaChem EQ 1/8th once a week
50% weekly water change
Dose 1.5-2x the rec dosing for Excel."