SVAS Mega Auction - October 7th!


Junior Poster
Sep 26, 2005
San Jose, CA
The Silicon Valley Aquarium Society will have our annual MegaAuction this Saturday, October 7th. There will be no speaker and we'll be auctioning all night. Since there will be hundreds and hundreds of items sold, this event has become the highlight of many members' year. It's been standing room only for the last few years. Bring some stuff to auction and some money to buy those treasures you'll find. This is our biggest fund raiser of the year and pays for all our great speakers. It's also a great way to sell some of your excess equipment and fish.

We meet at the Round Table Pizza at Moorpark and Saratoga near Highway 280 in San Jose, California. Check-In starts at 5pm. Auction starts at 7pm.

A few tips to make things fun and go smoothly:

* Come early if you want a seat.

* Come early to check in your auction items. We'll be there at 5pm - two hours before the auction starts.

* If you arrive late your items may not be accepted into the auction until the break or possibly not at all if we don't have time.

* If you plan to sell a large tank or fish that require special care, please send an email to our email group, SiliconValleyAquariumSociety at yahoogroups dot com describing your item. You will generate more interest in your item and people will be able to prepare in advance for your unusual fish.

* Fill out an auction form before you arrive at the check-in table. Forms are available at our regular website:

* Properly and safely double-bag your fish and other livestock. We will have bags available for sale for those who need to rebag their fish before they are accepted for auction. Very large fish can be brought in appropriate buckets or tanks if necessary.

* Read the article posted on the website about how to properly bag and label your auction fish.

* Use a Sharpie Pen to mark your bags, use sticky labels, or put paper labels between the two bags. Do not use heavy packing tape to affix labels to your bags. We had a disaster when this happened one year and almost all those bags sprang leaks.

* Anyone (including non-members) may donate anything fish related to the club for the auction.

* Only members may place items in the auction for split profit with the club.

* You must be a member in good standing to run a tab.

* Anyone (including non-members) may pay cash for each transaction.

* Consider helping out that night. We can use runners and runner's helpers, check-in assistants, membership table help, and lots of other little things. (Runners will be provided with pizza and drinks.)

* We'll have something fun for our grand raffle prize, but it's a surprise!

* Please pay for all your purchases before you leave that night.

* There is no Bowl Show on MegaAuction Night.

* Most of all, have a good time. :D

I'll see you there, Saturday Oct. 7th!!

Christine Bennett
Treasurer, SVAS