Surface Scution Extractor


Junior Poster
Jan 24, 2005
I’ve been considering adding a surface extractor to my tank to remove the surface scum that builds up between weekly water changes.

I experience good results injecting CO2 directly into the up-take tube of my Ehiem 2215 filter. If I added a surface extractor would it still be possible to do this?

The tank in question is open and looses an inch or so of water each week to evaporation. Would I have to keep the water at a consistent level to keep the extractor working?

Could using an extractor cause the filter to lose its prime?

As you can see, I’m pretty much in the dark as to the pluses and minuses regarding these things. I hate it when I add some magic piece of equipment just to find out I was better off in the beginning. Any advise or recommendation would be appreciated.

Thanks, Peter


Guru Class Expert
Jan 23, 2005
Re: Surface Scution Extractor

I own a eheim surface extractor myself.

its a pretty good extractor...but quite pricey.

I'm not sure about injecting CO2 into the extractor...but I wouldn't even recommend injecting CO2 into the filter at all.

I loose about an inch on my open top as well each week. the extractor works until the water reaches a centain level...but that level is quite low...

the extractor should be used only a few times a day...and not on 24/7...there is no real disadvantage to this except it only circulates the surface water...and not really the tank water.

the extractor works just like the default up-take. won't loose its prime when u use the disconnects...

you gotta clean the extractor maybe twice a is easy since u can doing while the filter is running...cuz sometimes when it clogs up, the extractor either doesn't work that well or it gets to heavy and starts sinking beneth the surface.

I would only get it if you can get it for a good price....
hope that helps.


Prolific Poster
Jan 24, 2005
Re: Surface Scution Extractor

I also own and use daily an Eheim Surface Extractor, great tool for the hobby, keep you're tank clean and there will be no problem with it clogging, I clean it at everywater change, because it does it's job, surface scum, so a weekly cleaning is good.
I too run topless tank and lose a bit of water a week, that is my topoff indicator ;)
It will not lose it's prime unless water level drop's below water line within the unit.
I would suggest you build or buy a reactor, for more effective C02 desolution.

Some folk's say they are noisy, I dont have that problem

So...I have nothing but good thing's to say about the Extractor. But I am bias! :D


Lifetime Charter Member
Lifetime Member
Jan 24, 2005
Geneva, Switzerland
Re: Surface Scution Extractor

Craig, when you say you don't have that problem do you mean the noise doesn't bother you or that yours doesn't make noise?

I'm thinking about getting one myself but wouldn't put up with noise from it...

Ian H

Guru Class Expert
Jan 24, 2005
Shipley, West Yorkshire, UK
Re: Surface Scution Extractor

I used the Eheim surface skimmer some years ago. It could be that the design has altered since my experiences.

The one I used attached to the external filters inflow. The flow of water was shared between the skimmer at the surface and a lower intake. The lower intake had a float and a lead weight in it. If the surface intake got blocked, which happened too frequently, the bottom intake would 'hammer' unless I reduced the water flow. The unit broke due to my constant removeal of the top intake to clear it of debris.

Now I skim the surface with a tissue if needed, I don't get a lot of film as I have some surface water movement that disperses it.



Jan 24, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
Re: Surface Scution Extractor

what causes the buildup of surface scum in the first place. I have a spray bar just below the water surface and this doesn't stop it form covering the entire surface of my tank a few days after weekly water changes. :cool:


Junior Poster
Feb 9, 2005
Re: Surface Scution Extractor

I have 2 Eheim surface extractors.

One on an Eheim 2126 which is silent except for some slurping now and then.

Second one on a Fluval 304 that rattles, bangs and clunks when the water level drops to where the swiveling extractor piece isn't all the way to the top.
I put some masking tape around the weight thingy and it quieted down to bearable levels.

Also the Fluval is a PAIN to prime with it on. One day I’m gonna throw that 304 off my balcony

Ian H

Guru Class Expert
Jan 24, 2005
Shipley, West Yorkshire, UK
Re: Surface Scution Extractor

I think the build up is due in the main to proteins, no doubt added to by the oils within fish food. I read somewhere that most of the nasties within a tank migrate to the top 1/3rd of the water column.



Guru Class Expert
Jan 23, 2005
Re: Surface Scution Extractor

:) peter, first off injecting into eheim 2213 in the long run is a no no. been there,and sooner or later your going to have issues with your filter. the 2213 is a very good filter, but too fine of a machine to inject co2 into,hard on impeller and motor. ive tried on rena xp's and they are more loosly fit and they still gurgle. your best bet is diy reactor such as barr design.with my tanks surface scum seems to be a short lived thing. when it does present its self i use a paper towel.all my tanks have small hobby pumps half way down into tank. the added circulation seems to help. just try turning off all circulation in tank and you will see scum build up fast. i would rather loose a little co2 than have the scum. regards, cornhusker :) :)


Prolific Poster
Jan 24, 2005
Re: Surface Scution Extractor

Laith said:
Craig, when you say you don't have that problem do you mean the noise doesn't bother you or that yours doesn't make noise?

I'm thinking about getting one myself but wouldn't put up with noise from it...
Mine does not make the noise, I have heard the noise that people are refering too from the weighted stopper inside the strainer basket. From what I have read, there is a couple of extra component's needed when connected to a large filter, to reduce the flow thru the unit, to much power ie. to large a filter will make the unit rattle, so a T is recommened, so one could use the original intake also.
I have it connected to a Eheim 2215, and if I am not mistaken anything larger than that, the T is advised.
My tank does not produce much scum, but it does keep the surface pristin with minimal use.
I keep my tank's very clean anyway, so clogging really is not an issue either.

I believe most of the scum comes from all the goop we have to add to these hightec tanks, my low tec tank's do not have this problem.

I have had mine for over a year, I clean it weekly, and have not broke anything on it yet, if I do, I will buy another one..I really like it.
$30 is nothing, I give my kids more than that every couple of days to piss away! :rolleyes:


Junior Poster
Jan 23, 2005
Re: Surface Scution Extractor

For those of you running the Eheim surface extractor are you running it straight off of your intake or did you have the split “T” fitting and a second intake? I never bought the Eheim because of that “T”.

I did try the Fluval extractor with my Eheim 2215 and it worked flawlessly. I am not running it now but when I did I adjusted it to skim only for a couple of hours at night.

What I am doing now is during water changed as I am siphoning the tank water I using a 500mL cup and manually skim the surface. I have found that even if you do weekly water changes the surface scum stays and build and builds. Doing this now weekly for a while I have a clear water surface without any skimmer.


Prolific Poster
Jan 24, 2005
Re: Surface Scution Extractor

If i used it on anything larger than a 2215 I would use the "T" no need as is though!


Junior Poster
Jan 24, 2005
Re: Surface Scution Extractor

Thanks for the advice regarding the extractor; I intend to give one a try. I’m still a bit confused as to why it’s inadvisable to inject CO2 directly into the up-take tube on my 2215 filter. Is the concern the "waste" of CO2? This particular filter has been running 24/7 for at least 10 years with CO2 injected for the past 5 years. Ya… it may “burp” from time to time, but other than that its never skipped a beat.

Again, thanks to all!


ps...Apologies for the misspelling of "suction" In the title of the thread.


Prolific Poster
Jan 24, 2005
Re: Surface Scution Extractor

I would not say it is inadvisable, I would say it is more like not exactly the best way to go about it, you can do it, and it will work well, although it will push alot of air/bubbles into the filter that really should not be there,
an inline reactor or the like's is a better solution for desolution to the C02 resolution! :D
Plus, you would not have a need to shove an extra airline tubing into you're tank strapped to the intake pipe and crammed into the intake strainer. ;)

Oh and you can fix the typo by going to the first post in this thread and clicking the edit button.