I'm going to switch my 20 gallon long from an artificially planted tank to a planted tank. Do you have any suggestions on what plants I can get with the following items?
30" 130W (2-65 watt) Dual Strip Compact Fluorescent Light Fixture - 501015 --Lighting
Live Plant Aquarium Care: CO2 System for Live Plants -- CO2
Flourish tabs and liquid ferts (would like suggestions on what kind)
Estes 1/4" natural gravel
Thank You! Cory Rodabaugh
I'm going to switch my 20 gallon long from an artificially planted tank to a planted tank. Do you have any suggestions on what plants I can get with the following items?
30" 130W (2-65 watt) Dual Strip Compact Fluorescent Light Fixture - 501015 --Lighting
Live Plant Aquarium Care: CO2 System for Live Plants -- CO2
Flourish tabs and liquid ferts (would like suggestions on what kind)
Estes 1/4" natural gravel
Thank You! Cory Rodabaugh