Substrate Question


Junior Poster
Jul 26, 2005
I got a great deal on a 58 gal oceanic set-up. All the equipment has been purchaced along with 150 pounds of 3M colorquartz T-grade (black of course). My initial plan was to simply sprinkle a thin layer of peat and mulm capped by the colorquartz. Then I did some more reading on substrate additives and now I'm a little confused and unsure of my initial plan, afraid that it's not enough.

One of the articles I came across was this one at APC. I called around and the local hydroponic stores have the Diamond Black and Indian Black Lignite available. Is there anything else I should consider adding. I will likely not soak the Lignite in a fert solution if the benefits only last a few months.

I guess what I'm looking for are comments on the recipe listed by Toms post #24 as the materials are cheap and locally available. Although I am not sure were I can find Barley straw pellets.

Sorry about the rambling post,


Tom Barr

Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
Re: Substrate Question

Peat ansd leonardite are the same type of thing purpose wise.
One last a bit longer than the other is all.
I'd go with the peat over the barely straw and leonardite in your case, the leonardite is decent for longer term stuff though, but peat is very cheap.
You can add a little of each the pellets and the leonardite if you wish.
It's not going to make a huge difference either way.

Tom Barr