I have a 110g tank {60x18x24}, 6 T5 HO 54w{4=6500k 8hr,2=10,000k 6hr}, On the right side of the tank i have a Eheim 2028 275gph with spray bar on the end of the tank 18inch pointing inward, I have 80lbs SoilMaster Select , on the other end is another Eheim intake and return system with the return on the end of tank pointing inward, setup is ball valve,1 elbow,Mag 2 Drive pump 250gph,ball valve,2 elbows,Aqua Medic 1000 CO2 Reactor,Turbo Twist 3x,Hydro Heater, I place my New Drop Checker 2inch below the water level on the right.
It's been 2 weeks now and my CO2 Controller reads at 6.8,KH5.5,KNO3 5,GH 0,PO4 0. It is very lightly planted and 3 Black Mollies 7 babies,1 Common Pleco. and my Drop Checker still reads Blue!!!
I did try running my CO2 with my light timer but the DC did not change and my PH drop down too 5.8. I was inform by others that my water movement was weak but some plants close to the spray bar do lean over a little, The water going into the reactor is solid there is no turbulence i can also see the co2 bubbles dancing around at the top before it is dissolves . DC setup 4dkh half full and 2 drops of Bromo Blue from my Jr PH Test Kit 4 months old, I don't know what else to do ether add a Mag 5 pump or drop down to smaller Pump bellow 200gph??
It's been 2 weeks now and my CO2 Controller reads at 6.8,KH5.5,KNO3 5,GH 0,PO4 0. It is very lightly planted and 3 Black Mollies 7 babies,1 Common Pleco. and my Drop Checker still reads Blue!!!
I did try running my CO2 with my light timer but the DC did not change and my PH drop down too 5.8. I was inform by others that my water movement was weak but some plants close to the spray bar do lean over a little, The water going into the reactor is solid there is no turbulence i can also see the co2 bubbles dancing around at the top before it is dissolves . DC setup 4dkh half full and 2 drops of Bromo Blue from my Jr PH Test Kit 4 months old, I don't know what else to do ether add a Mag 5 pump or drop down to smaller Pump bellow 200gph??