Greets to all, I'm still in my infancy with planted tanks. I've been trying in vain to gain a foothold on this new hobby. I have several questions I'd like to pose, but first a little background on my set up.
The above is the current messy mix-of-every-concept-I-could-find setup. My tank configuration is as follows:
Size: 18" x 8" x 10"
Filtration: Resun "Cyclone" External Filter (CY-20)
Lighting: 1x36W PL 6500K
CO2: DIY CO2 (24/7), with a ceramic diffuser
Substrate: Aquasoil
Sand: Shirui #2
Fert: Seachem Flourish, Hexa Bio Ferro tabs (formulated activated bio-ferric complex nutrients, whatever that means)
Temp: 28 - 29°C, I'm having Equatorial temperatures, average temperature is around 33°C.
Flora: predominantly riccia fluitan (foreground), Juncus repens, Limnophila indica, Ceratophyllum demersum, Eleocharis montevidensis, Bacopa monnieri, Vesicularia dubyana
Fauna: 4 x Neocardina denticulata (cherry red shrimps), 1 x Crossocheilus siamensis (Siamese Algae Eater)
My questions:
1. How do i regulate the flow of my CO2, the bubbles are coming out 24/7 at a rate of 1-2 bps into the diffuser. Do I need to use a bubble counter?
2. Any ideas where to relocate my rocks for a better scape. The huge DW behind the rocks is just temporary. Propagating my riccia. I'm enjoying really good growth with my riccia.
3. What is the maximum number of cherry shrimps I can have in my tank. (I know this is a planted tank forum
The above is the current messy mix-of-every-concept-I-could-find setup. My tank configuration is as follows:
Size: 18" x 8" x 10"
Filtration: Resun "Cyclone" External Filter (CY-20)
Lighting: 1x36W PL 6500K
CO2: DIY CO2 (24/7), with a ceramic diffuser
Substrate: Aquasoil
Sand: Shirui #2
Fert: Seachem Flourish, Hexa Bio Ferro tabs (formulated activated bio-ferric complex nutrients, whatever that means)
Temp: 28 - 29°C, I'm having Equatorial temperatures, average temperature is around 33°C.
Flora: predominantly riccia fluitan (foreground), Juncus repens, Limnophila indica, Ceratophyllum demersum, Eleocharis montevidensis, Bacopa monnieri, Vesicularia dubyana
Fauna: 4 x Neocardina denticulata (cherry red shrimps), 1 x Crossocheilus siamensis (Siamese Algae Eater)
My questions:
1. How do i regulate the flow of my CO2, the bubbles are coming out 24/7 at a rate of 1-2 bps into the diffuser. Do I need to use a bubble counter?
2. Any ideas where to relocate my rocks for a better scape. The huge DW behind the rocks is just temporary. Propagating my riccia. I'm enjoying really good growth with my riccia.
3. What is the maximum number of cherry shrimps I can have in my tank. (I know this is a planted tank forum