Spraybar or Mist Reactor?


Prolific Poster
Feb 24, 2006
What do you guys prefer?

I used to have a spraybar and changed it to a mist reactor and I noticed some bba popping up in my tank. Looks like spraybar is better but I had issues with it because of the algea growing on it.

What is your opinion?


Lifetime Charter Member
Lifetime Member
Jan 24, 2005
Sacramento, CA
I had similar results when I went with a mist system. I was sure I was really pushing the maximum bubble rate for the CO2. But, when I got my little ADA style drop checker I found I needed quite a bit more CO2 to get to 30ppm, and now use 40 ppm with no fish distress. That helped a lot with BBA, but I still get some. Once I get my tank all cleaned up again from the GDA, I will try using 45 ppm of CO2 to see how that works out. Right now I have finished cleaning up the GDA film, cleaning the filter, 2 big water changes, cleaning up what BBA I found, and am now starting a three day blackout to see what that does.


Junior Poster
Sep 11, 2006
Hi VaughnH, do you mind to explain how do I tell how much PPM of CO2 I have in my tank? If I have the pH, KH reading & the pH-KH chart, how do I proceed from here to determine the amount of CO2? A reference to exising related threads will help. Thanks in advance.

U.K. Lau


Lifetime Charter Member
Lifetime Member
Jan 24, 2005
Sacramento, CA
Our tanks do not have perfect water in them - they have other sources of alkalinity and acidity besides CO2 and carbonates. So, the pH/KH/CO2 chart or equation isn't reliable. If you use one of the ADA style "drop checkers" ( see DIY Drop Checker - Aquatic Plant Central- aquascaping...a living art) for more information, you can measure the CO2 in the tank with some accuracy. These little devices work because you can use distilled water, with a bit of sodium bicarbonate in it to get a 4 dKH sample of water that is "perfect" for calculating ppm of CO2 using a chart or calculator, such as Measuring CO2 levels in a Planted Tank. Quite a few people have now started using these devices and, so far, no one has refuted the claim that they really do work well.