I am looking to set up a 37 gal cube tank (24" L x 20" H x 18" D) anew for a possible Discus or Angelfish planted tank. So I am once again looking at substrate alternatives / choices. Specifically:
- ADA AS? (and which grain size?)
- Turface (Quick Dry or MVP or Mound Clay)* solo or mixed with pea gravel, sand or 3M quartz (e.g., 1:2)?
- finally try my hand at real soil?
Which would you choose and why so? I am looking for advice based on your longer-term tank (3+ year) experiences. TIA!
* I understand Quick Dry and Mound Clay are new product grain sizes
- ADA AS? (and which grain size?)
- Turface (Quick Dry or MVP or Mound Clay)* solo or mixed with pea gravel, sand or 3M quartz (e.g., 1:2)?
- finally try my hand at real soil?
Which would you choose and why so? I am looking for advice based on your longer-term tank (3+ year) experiences. TIA!
* I understand Quick Dry and Mound Clay are new product grain sizes