In lieu of bleach, do you think steam at 327 F (~164 C) would work to kill of living things, such as snail eggs in their hard casings? ESPECIALLY snail eggs in their hard casings.
I am guessing unless I have some tardigrades on the equipment, the steam should get rid of any bacteria, mold, fungus...
To clean any equipment prior to use, I used to do a soap wash to remove residual grease and some oil based contaminants, (injection mould release, etcetera) followed by a bleach dip and/or scrub for the living stuff. A very thorough rinse after bleach completed the sanitation, and I never had problems introducing anything into a "new" setup with any equipment, new or used.
I am guessing unless I have some tardigrades on the equipment, the steam should get rid of any bacteria, mold, fungus...
To clean any equipment prior to use, I used to do a soap wash to remove residual grease and some oil based contaminants, (injection mould release, etcetera) followed by a bleach dip and/or scrub for the living stuff. A very thorough rinse after bleach completed the sanitation, and I never had problems introducing anything into a "new" setup with any equipment, new or used.