Rotten black roots, smelling like a sewer: Is it a substrate issue
Since a few weeks, I noticed that I have a hard time to make small plants root. I failed to plant small stems, P. helferi, crypts and tenellus. They just don't root.
P. stellatus is doing very fine above substrate, but it grows quiet only from water. When I trim it, lower part melts in substrate. Also, lower parts never restart, they'll melt from the substrate. Newer long stems, if planted deep in the substrate will eventually grow, but not like before.
On the other side, I have many big swords that are growing rather fast, but my crypts are growing extremely slow and not so nice as before.
Also leafs don't show any deficiency, and are nice looking, like before.
I unrooted a crypt today, and its roots were rotten, black in most parts, but the leafs were still ok. Few weeks ago, unrroting a crypt showed a black rotting smelling like a sewer
Substrate is "JBL Aquabasis Plus" (only micro+clay, no N or P) topped with 1-3mm gravel.
The fact that small plantlets that can't reach the undergravel substrate, won't root, I can understand it, but seeing this nasty unusual bad smelling rotting of old established crypts + my P. Stellatus behavior described above is concerning me.
Substrate is one year old.
I also noticed that since I use CaSO4, MgSO4 and K2SO4 I have white deposits on all my filter rubber parts, despite a lower GH than before. I heard of the concerns from long term use of SO4 salts. Can this cause my root issues?
Since a few weeks, I noticed that I have a hard time to make small plants root. I failed to plant small stems, P. helferi, crypts and tenellus. They just don't root.
P. stellatus is doing very fine above substrate, but it grows quiet only from water. When I trim it, lower part melts in substrate. Also, lower parts never restart, they'll melt from the substrate. Newer long stems, if planted deep in the substrate will eventually grow, but not like before.
On the other side, I have many big swords that are growing rather fast, but my crypts are growing extremely slow and not so nice as before.
Also leafs don't show any deficiency, and are nice looking, like before.
I unrooted a crypt today, and its roots were rotten, black in most parts, but the leafs were still ok. Few weeks ago, unrroting a crypt showed a black rotting smelling like a sewer
Substrate is "JBL Aquabasis Plus" (only micro+clay, no N or P) topped with 1-3mm gravel.
The fact that small plantlets that can't reach the undergravel substrate, won't root, I can understand it, but seeing this nasty unusual bad smelling rotting of old established crypts + my P. Stellatus behavior described above is concerning me.
Substrate is one year old.
I also noticed that since I use CaSO4, MgSO4 and K2SO4 I have white deposits on all my filter rubber parts, despite a lower GH than before. I heard of the concerns from long term use of SO4 salts. Can this cause my root issues?