After 1 month away from home and having left clear instructions to my sister on how to take care of the tank, dose 15ml of this, change 30% of water twice a week, feed the fish twice a day, all went wrong.
Lots of dosing, as my mother dosed, sister dosed, and even granny had go.
No water changes, it looks clean they said, why change the water?
Lots of food to the fish, they were always eating it, so they must be hungry.
So with the above, 8 hours of light, and CO2 being pumped in, when I came back I had so much algae that it could be taken with my hands in clumps. I even had one sort of algae that was gritty and could be scrapped from the java fern leaves with the fingers.
A quick clean, no light for one week, and lots of water changes, the tank was ready for a rescape.
Also, while I was away, box came from Tom with amazing Manzanita wood, and after looking at his ADA 60p Zebra tank ( an image formed on my head of what I could do with my tank and the wood.
This is still work in progress, but it is taking shape.
#5 Leds only
#6 Full light
Lots of dosing, as my mother dosed, sister dosed, and even granny had go.
No water changes, it looks clean they said, why change the water?
Lots of food to the fish, they were always eating it, so they must be hungry.
So with the above, 8 hours of light, and CO2 being pumped in, when I came back I had so much algae that it could be taken with my hands in clumps. I even had one sort of algae that was gritty and could be scrapped from the java fern leaves with the fingers.
A quick clean, no light for one week, and lots of water changes, the tank was ready for a rescape.
Also, while I was away, box came from Tom with amazing Manzanita wood, and after looking at his ADA 60p Zebra tank ( an image formed on my head of what I could do with my tank and the wood.
This is still work in progress, but it is taking shape.
#5 Leds only
#6 Full light