


Is there any software out there that will read this forum? I used to use something like that in the OLD compuserve days and I really miss that way to read a message board. Much faster than the web based interface.

Rss doesn't work as far as I can tell. Thanks.



Lifetime Charter Member
Lifetime Member
Jan 24, 2005
San Diego, Ca
I think tabbed browsing is about the best option out there for these forums now.

Note: I recommend not clicking any links here until you're done reading the post.

I simply go to the list of New Posts and open each thread that looks promising into its own tab. Once they are all opened, I go back and hit the New Posts again to see if there is anything new while I was reading. When I no longer have any new posts I care about, I Mark Forums Read.

Now I can move on and come back later to repeat the process.

Also, with vBulletin based boards like this one, I usually start with the Control Panel because it lists the threads I'm subscribed to that have new posts. That way I start off with threads I know I'm interested in first.