This thread is really one that addresses several things in the plumbing and engineering part of this hobby. After some years in the hobby, perhaps having had sumps and reefs etc, you have learned how to become quite the plumber?
Well, here' a simpel thread and some nice exploded view of the gurggle buster, this was discussed at the local club meeting last month(Dec)
Index of /~jps3/tmp/barr
And the actual how to:
Hofer Gurgle Buster
Simple to make and great for over flows that are built in, but also for hang on over flows that are noisy or degas a lot.
Tom Barr
Well, here' a simpel thread and some nice exploded view of the gurggle buster, this was discussed at the local club meeting last month(Dec)
Index of /~jps3/tmp/barr
And the actual how to:
Hofer Gurgle Buster
Simple to make and great for over flows that are built in, but also for hang on over flows that are noisy or degas a lot.
Tom Barr