Here's the specs:
Lighting: 2 X 55watt 6700K AH supply bright kit on for 10 hours a day.
Filtration: Marineland C-220 with additional small in tank filter for added circulation (filter need cleaning)
Substrate: Flourite mixed with pool filter sand
Ferts: 20ppm N 3Xweek
20ppm K 3Xweek
2ppm P 3Xweek
.75ppm Fe via CSM+B
Add 9 grams MgSO4 to raise Mg level to approx 10ppm once a week
50% WC on sunday
I also sprayed excel on the algae when I did my last water change, but I didn't do a whole lot because I didn't want to kill the Val. Nana
CO2: Injected into filter intake and measured with 4KH drop checker reading yellow
Fauna: 12-15 Lemon Tetra's (I really don't know how many) ,8 dwarf cichlids
Flora:Blyxa Japonica, P. Gayi, P. Stellatus (sp), Rotola Green, Blyxa Aubertii, Val. nana, and a little hairgrass, glosso, and a little riccia.
I've had problems with this tank for a while. I have not been able to figue out whats wrong. I finally broke down and bought a 4L bottle of excel.
I think it could be a good scape, but with all all the algae it looks terrible. I'm sure its a CO2 or flow problem somehow. I just recently added the a little in tank filter to increase flow. But I think the flow is mainly lacking in the bottom of the tank and I'm not sure what to do to increase it.
Here's some picture links:
Thanks for all the help in advance!!!
Lighting: 2 X 55watt 6700K AH supply bright kit on for 10 hours a day.
Filtration: Marineland C-220 with additional small in tank filter for added circulation (filter need cleaning)
Substrate: Flourite mixed with pool filter sand
Ferts: 20ppm N 3Xweek
20ppm K 3Xweek
2ppm P 3Xweek
.75ppm Fe via CSM+B
Add 9 grams MgSO4 to raise Mg level to approx 10ppm once a week
50% WC on sunday
I also sprayed excel on the algae when I did my last water change, but I didn't do a whole lot because I didn't want to kill the Val. Nana
CO2: Injected into filter intake and measured with 4KH drop checker reading yellow
Fauna: 12-15 Lemon Tetra's (I really don't know how many) ,8 dwarf cichlids
Flora:Blyxa Japonica, P. Gayi, P. Stellatus (sp), Rotola Green, Blyxa Aubertii, Val. nana, and a little hairgrass, glosso, and a little riccia.
I've had problems with this tank for a while. I have not been able to figue out whats wrong. I finally broke down and bought a 4L bottle of excel.
I think it could be a good scape, but with all all the algae it looks terrible. I'm sure its a CO2 or flow problem somehow. I just recently added the a little in tank filter to increase flow. But I think the flow is mainly lacking in the bottom of the tank and I'm not sure what to do to increase it.
Here's some picture links:
Thanks for all the help in advance!!!