Ok guys. Here's my plan to start my 55 gallon planted tank. I plant on using Tom's Excel method.
1) Lighting:
- T5 48" lights Freshwater Nova Extreme Fixtures include: One SlimPaq 10,000°K and one SlimPaq Freshwater bulb. 55W x 2. With parabolic reflector. Giving me 1.96W/gal.
2) Substrate:
- Aqua Soil- Amazonia II (9 liters)- Normal Type (3 bags). Is that enough?
- Should I add a layer of Seachem black flourite on top to prevent cloudiness if I need to move plants around when scaping?
3) Filter:
- Hang On Tank Magnum Canister Filter with carbon initially but will take it out once later after the plants have grown in well.
4) Plants - I'm going to plant heavily from the start based upon Diana Walstad's recommendations on easy fast growing plants:
- Limnophila x5
- Hornwort x 5
- Amazon sword x 5
- Corkscrew Val x 5 (not sure if this is fast growing but I like the look)
- Duckweed 1/4 lb
- I will add more slow growing plants like Anubias later
5) Fishes I will stock once the tank has cycled:
- Siamese Algae Eaters (1st)
- Rummy nosed tetras
- Cardinal tetras
- Angel fish
- Clown loaches
6) Invertebrates:
- Amano shrimp
- Cherry shrimp
7) Fertilizer dosing:
I will purchase the following from aquariumfertilizer.com
- 1/4 teaspoon of the KNO3, once weekly
- 1/8 teaspoon of the KH2PO4, once weekly
I will purchase the following from Fosterandsmith.com
- SeaChem EQ -1/4 teaspoon each week
- Seachem Flourish Excel 5ml 3x per week
8) Water changes:
- 50% water changes monthly with the hope that once things get established I can wait longer for water changes.
Ok that's what I have come up with based upon reading your guys' articles. Please let me know what you think if you have any other suggestions, criticisms, ideas, you name it.
best regards,
- Hung
1) Lighting:
- T5 48" lights Freshwater Nova Extreme Fixtures include: One SlimPaq 10,000°K and one SlimPaq Freshwater bulb. 55W x 2. With parabolic reflector. Giving me 1.96W/gal.
2) Substrate:
- Aqua Soil- Amazonia II (9 liters)- Normal Type (3 bags). Is that enough?
- Should I add a layer of Seachem black flourite on top to prevent cloudiness if I need to move plants around when scaping?
3) Filter:
- Hang On Tank Magnum Canister Filter with carbon initially but will take it out once later after the plants have grown in well.
4) Plants - I'm going to plant heavily from the start based upon Diana Walstad's recommendations on easy fast growing plants:
- Limnophila x5
- Hornwort x 5
- Amazon sword x 5
- Corkscrew Val x 5 (not sure if this is fast growing but I like the look)
- Duckweed 1/4 lb
- I will add more slow growing plants like Anubias later
5) Fishes I will stock once the tank has cycled:
- Siamese Algae Eaters (1st)
- Rummy nosed tetras
- Cardinal tetras
- Angel fish
- Clown loaches
6) Invertebrates:
- Amano shrimp
- Cherry shrimp
7) Fertilizer dosing:
I will purchase the following from aquariumfertilizer.com
- 1/4 teaspoon of the KNO3, once weekly
- 1/8 teaspoon of the KH2PO4, once weekly
I will purchase the following from Fosterandsmith.com
- SeaChem EQ -1/4 teaspoon each week
- Seachem Flourish Excel 5ml 3x per week
8) Water changes:
- 50% water changes monthly with the hope that once things get established I can wait longer for water changes.
Ok that's what I have come up with based upon reading your guys' articles. Please let me know what you think if you have any other suggestions, criticisms, ideas, you name it.
best regards,
- Hung