After doing some reading I started a planted tank, after trying many things my plants are still not pearling. However I see some growth on all plants but not as much growth as some pep0le reported (like few inches in a day). Can you please help me understand what is wrong with my setup or my understanding and why are my plants not pearling.
Tank Spec:
Tank Size: 55 gallons
Light: 130 watts (6700k)X1, 15 watts (3100k)X2
Watts per gallon: I read somewhere to subtract 10 gallons for substrate and woods etc in tank to calculate correct light if tha is true then i have 3.56 watts per gallon. 160 watts/45 gal
CO2: pressurized co2, 1 bubble per second using Max Jet 600 which send the co2 as mists
Substrate: Laterite and gravel mix
Plants: Swords of different kinds.
I have been doing the following for past 7 days
Seachem Excel 5ml, Flourish comprehensive supliment 5 ml, potassium 5ml
Nitrate and phospate (sometimes if the reading is low)
Currently Nirtrate is 5 ppm
Phosphate: .25 ppm (keeping it low because i had Staghorn algae and trying to see if keeping phosphate low will control the algae)
Any help will be appriciated.
Thank you
Tank Spec:
Tank Size: 55 gallons
Light: 130 watts (6700k)X1, 15 watts (3100k)X2
Watts per gallon: I read somewhere to subtract 10 gallons for substrate and woods etc in tank to calculate correct light if tha is true then i have 3.56 watts per gallon. 160 watts/45 gal
CO2: pressurized co2, 1 bubble per second using Max Jet 600 which send the co2 as mists
Substrate: Laterite and gravel mix
Plants: Swords of different kinds.
I have been doing the following for past 7 days
Seachem Excel 5ml, Flourish comprehensive supliment 5 ml, potassium 5ml
Nitrate and phospate (sometimes if the reading is low)
Currently Nirtrate is 5 ppm
Phosphate: .25 ppm (keeping it low because i had Staghorn algae and trying to see if keeping phosphate low will control the algae)
Any help will be appriciated.
Thank you