Plant trouble... HELP!!!


Junior Poster
Aug 9, 2009
I am growing micro sword and dwarf hairgrass in a 10 gallon tank. i have a 36 watt comp. flourescent about 6 inches from the top of the tank. i dose daily with excel flourish. I do weekly water changes, also my water is has a bit of green pigment in it, (only seen when a white piece of paper is put behind the tank .) the tank has also been going for about 3 or 4 weeks. The plants do not seem as if they are growing very well. Both are growing but very slowly; however, the micro sword seems to have some leaves that die and begin decaying. i was wondering if this is normal or if i am doing something wrong. any posts will be helpfull. thanks. i am willing to start the whole tank over if i have to. Thanks


Lifetime Charter Member
Lifetime Member
Mar 12, 2009
Reduce the light down to something more like 18-24 watts, strap on some DIY CO2, and add NPK ferts. Flourish does not provide macronutrients, so most of what your plants need they're not getting.

The green water is likely due to the presence of NH4, which isn't surprising given that it's only a 3-4 week old tank, and the nitrogen cycle is likely not completely established. Try seeding in filter material from another tank, using a commercial bacteria culture, or increasing the plant density. All of the above would nail the problem down. Very regular water changes (every other day) wouldn't hurt if you're going with the high density plant route.



Lifetime Charter Member
Lifetime Member
Jan 24, 2005
mstasa;40856 said:
I am growing micro sword and dwarf hairgrass in a 10 gallon tank. i have a 36 watt comp. flourescent about 6 inches from the top of the tank. i dose daily with excel flourish. I do weekly water changes, also my water is has a bit of green pigment in it, (only seen when a white piece of paper is put behind the tank .) the tank has also been going for about 3 or 4 weeks. The plants do not seem as if they are growing very well. Both are growing but very slowly; however, the micro sword seems to have some leaves that die and begin decaying. i was wondering if this is normal or if i am doing something wrong. any posts will be helpfull. thanks. i am willing to start the whole tank over if i have to. Thanks


First, eliminate the Flourish dosing. Maybe do it once a month, maybe not.

Then, move your light closer to the top of the aquarium. A 36 watt cf bulb (assuming it is the spiral, screw-in kind) produces about as much light energy as a 20 watt incandescent, which isn't enough for the kinds of plants that you are growing.

Finally, don't worry about the "green water" if you have to look hard to see it.

At some point you will probably have to consider macro nutrients (N, P, K), but maybe they are being provided from the substrate and/or the fish. It doesn't sound like your plant goals are very ambitious, which can be a good thing!

Good luck!
