Plant Packages
I have looked at your plant list and even started to write a little critique of the plants.
Instead, I will repeat a little advice I gave you on one of your other threads. Do not over-think, give yourself room, time to learn and understand. A 55-gallon tank is not as large as you think. :gw
My advice is to start with plants and critters that increase the probability of early success. You have plenty of time once you have the basics down to move on to other plants and other critters.
Gerry earlier pointed out one of the weaknesses of 55-gallon tanks. The width, if you want Swords, Echinodorus, such as E. Amazonicus or E. Ozelot they will take over a good portion of your tank, front to back. I have an E Ozelot in a 55-gallon, very heavily planted, diy CO2, 80 watt, 6700k shop lights, 6 inches above the water, E Ozelot in a terracotta pot commands one end of the tank, I think it is gorgeous, even flowers. Crypts can consume tank real estate quickly as well.
My good friend Dan of Philosophos fame tells a tale of woe with bacopas; Dan thinks too much, the
downside of being smart. Bacopa caroliniana is a crossover pond and aquarium that does well kind of left alone. Several Bacopa spp. work well in most aquariums and if you choose, can grow right up and given a terraced area up the back of the aquarium can transition beautifully from underwater, to bog, to terrestrial.
I love that kind of stuff.
I say all of this to annoy everyone.
Think about buying a package deal from any of the many reputable dealers. I recommend starting with one of the hardy packages. Left C has recommended Robert at and the forest package, not a bad choice. I think gives a less artistic but broader beginners package. As a matter of disclosure, I have not been very happy with Aqua Botanics, however Robert is a bright and knowledgeable fellow and says he has improved his methodology. I take him at his word.
If you are not a subscriber, I heartily recommend subscribing to this site. You seem a bright, inquisitive (bordering on worrywart) individual. There is plenty to read and learn here.
Living in Colorado Springs, you have outstanding water, on the soft side so GH booster is going to be part of your life.
I think you will do well.