Before I got hooked into the planted tank, I would do weekly water changes of 20-25%, but no matter what I would do my p.H would never move. Always around 7.4-7.6. Now as I am messing around with getting my CO2 correct, the pH sometimes will be all over the board between 6.6-7.4. Yet, luckily I guess, my fish seem completely unaffected. Ironically, when i started adding some plants, before CO2 my pH seemed to go up to about 7.8, probably because they were extracting what little CO2 was in the water.
Should I be concerned about these fluctuations and their long term health on the fish? My fish all generally would prefer the slightly acid conditions (angels, tetras, bn plecos, cories). Or am I just paranoid?
Should I be concerned about these fluctuations and their long term health on the fish? My fish all generally would prefer the slightly acid conditions (angels, tetras, bn plecos, cories). Or am I just paranoid?