I did a complete tear-down about 4 weeks ago. Put in Soilmaster Pro (red; attractice substrate, btw). I retained a bit of the old gravel for bio starter and didn't change/clean the filter media. Light fish loading (ten assorted tetras and a few algae eaters, two clown loach ten shrimp) in a 55 gallon tank. 3W/gallon. CO2. Changed only the substrate.
Problem: pH fell from about 6.7 to about 6 with the new substrate. Nothing else was changed. I've lost two of the algae eaters, and all of the shrimp. The plants are looking pretty good except for the elodea which has turned to mush. I thought that one was impossible to kill!
Any ideas? Should I take steps to bring the pH back up, or will the survivors adapt?
Problem: pH fell from about 6.7 to about 6 with the new substrate. Nothing else was changed. I've lost two of the algae eaters, and all of the shrimp. The plants are looking pretty good except for the elodea which has turned to mush. I thought that one was impossible to kill!
Any ideas? Should I take steps to bring the pH back up, or will the survivors adapt?