Perfecto vs. AGA dream tank/stand setup - your opinions & experience requested!


Junior Poster
Apr 7, 2005
Posted this dilemma on another forum and got a few answers, but would love some more thoughts if anyone here cares to chime in.

I've been planning to upgrade my planted tank from a 65 gallon AGA/pine stand to a 120/high end cabinet dream tank for a long time. Turns out I'm going to be moving in three weeks, so this is the perfect time. I'd always expected to go with Oceanic, but they are virtually impossible to find without special ordering, and there's not enough time, so I'm going to have to make another selection. I've narrowed down the field to two possibilities for both the tank and stand but have a dilemma, as outlined below. I'd welcome your experience and or opinions!

Most desired aesthetics: high end cabinet and black silicone

Stand: The nicest stand I could find is the Perfecto Monterey in black. Second nicest is the AGA Modern Series in black. I like the Perfecto quite a bit better look-wise.

Tank: Only Perfecto comes with default black silicone on the 120 gallon tank. AGA will make it, but it will not arrive in time, so I would have to go with clear silicone.

Seems clear to get the Perfecto stand with the black silicone tank, but frankly, I'm a little scared of Perfecto. I have the impression AGA is better quality, although don't know why I have that impression. I've had several AGA tanks and never had a problem, so that's my only experience. AGA is 1/2" thick glass, Perfecto 3/8" glass. AGA bottom is tempered; Perfecto is not. I've also heard/read leaking/breaking stories of Perfecto online, although I do not know all the cirumstances involved and can't verify the truth involved. I'm terrified of having a problem down the line with a tank as it is so much water and I am a in a high rise apartment building.

If the AGA tank will fits the Perfecto stand (some say it will, some say it won't and I am still investigating) I could do that and get the better stand and forego the black silicone and think of something else to cover what will become the algae seams. But if I do that I sacrifice my AGA warranty. Never had a problem with AGA, but nice to know I have a warranty anyway.

1) Go totally with Perfecto (nicer cabinet, black silicone, but do I have to worry about breakage or leaking 5 years on?)
2) Go totally with AGA (not bad cabinet, clear silicone, totally trust the tank)
3) Go AGA tank and Perfecto stand (but lose tank warranty).

What do you think? What's your experience with either? What would you do?


Lifetime Charter Member
Lifetime Member
Jan 15, 2009
FWIW - I'm going with the Marineland tank, which I THINK is Perfecto but I really don't know who makes whose tanks nowadays.

In all fairness, most warrantees have so much wiggle room it's just noise since it's too easy for them to just shrug and say you didn't make sure it was level or evenly supported on the floor or somesuch. Not that I'm saying either AGA or Perfecto might do so, just that most companies won't really honor their warranty like you think they should and even if they do it's just a tank replacement and you're still on the hook for everything else, especially cleanup which will probably cost the most. I'm going with a custom steel stand my friend is building since I expect that to be better than anything the manufacturers have available. YMMV.



Junior Poster
Apr 7, 2005
Yes, Marineland bought Perfecto as far as I know, so I think it's the same tank. The black silicone is beautiful. My pet peeve of my current tank is the algae on the really detracts from the look. I finally got so frustrated that I put black electrical tape on the outside corners. As I've been pricing the tanks at various stores, they are calling them Perfecto, but I think they will come with the Marineland sticker on them. Thanks for your vote of confidence for that tank.


Lifetime Charter Member
Lifetime Member
Jan 15, 2009
The semi local petsmart has that tank on sale for 20 percent off until Feb 1st. Puts it around 280 before tax, you might find a similar deal as well. I managed to get my usual LFS to drop their price from retail. Not a complete price match, but close enough to get them the business. Maybe your LFS will cut a deal with you too.


QUOTE=heavensabvus1;45903]Yes, Marineland bought Perfecto as far as I know, so I think it's the same tank. The black silicone is beautiful. My pet peeve of my current tank is the algae on the really detracts from the look. I finally got so frustrated that I put black electrical tape on the outside corners. As I've been pricing the tanks at various stores, they are calling them Perfecto, but I think they will come with the Marineland sticker on them. Thanks for your vote of confidence for that tank.[/QUOTE]


Junior Poster
Apr 7, 2005
WOW. The cheapest I have found that tanks if $440 and the stand for $850, with a 10% discount. I actually called several Petsmarts here, who all said their stores are too small to have the tanks shown on the internet and can't special order. I'll call the main number and see if anyone a little further away with a bigger store might have these in stock. Great price. WOW.