Hello everyone! I have always loved aquariums but I have never owned one and I recently acquired a 55gal tank. I decided to go with live plants and from my experience with plants I knew that the only way to go as far as light was HID. I found a posting on craig's list for a hood with 2 - 175-watt Metal Halide and 2 - 48" Florescent for $50 so I had to get it (don't everyone drool at once ). It came with 2 - 14k bulbs and 2 -10k bulbs and for the time being I am using the 10k bulbs until I have some money to buy the 6.5k bulbs. Since the 10k bulbs have more blues than I really need and not enough reds I used full spectrum florescent bulbs to help with the spectrums I am missing. Also I added a DIY co2 because I don't have the money for the nice system yet but I'm sure this is better than nothing. When I first put the co2 in I overdosed a bit (from watchin the fish) and I rigged up some air-line valves to control my dosing and it has been working great. My substrate is gravel (ouch) and I will be using something else when we move next year (cant wait). Since I have never owned an aquarium I wanted to get a variety of plants to see how they grow and handle different conditions and fish. Everything seems to be growing like weeds especially the Cambomba and Longiplumulosus. Anyways now to get to my questions. When I first went to the store to get some things to start cycling the clerk gave me API Leaf Zone and I dosed it for 2 weeks or so then noticed the Scarlet Temple was looking bad. Then the Red Ludwigia started showing signs of something bad. I tried researching all over the net and couldnt really find anything that was of any help. Knowing regular house/garden plants relatively well I guessed that the Scarlet Temple had a possible Mag deficiency and decided to see if that fert had any mag in it. As it appears it only has Iron and Potassium so I figured that must be the problem. I also had small amount of algae starting to grow on my Java Fern Lace which I then attributed to the fact that the plants werent growing because they needed some trace nutrients and that meant there was extra iron in the water causing the algae to grow. So it was about 3 days ago when I went and got some Seachem Flourish Comprehensive Supplement and I dosed the tank. Everything looks wonderful now. The Red Ludwidia leaves are all pointing up collecting all them nice rays and is growing like mad now. I was still curious about the iron though so today I finally found a iron test kit at a store by my house. According to the test my non-chelated and chelated iron levels are both0.0 mg/L. So my question is should I dose with the API fert to just add potassium and iron or should I use the Seachem. How often should I be dosing? I will try to include a pic of my tank so you guys and gals can see what I'm workin with Any suggestions are much appreciated. Oh and in case anyone was wondering where the Scarlet Temple is.... I had to bury it :*(