It seems perhaps we are not cut out to keep a planted tank.
The latest issue besides reoccurring BBA, is our discus seem to be sick and dying.
The sympthoms mirror those of "Discus Plague." Darkness of coloring; fins clamped; slime coat missing; white spotted sides; lethargic;flashing; pectoral fin splitting; hanging out near surface, in tank corners, in a tight pack;and swimming in "unnatural" positions.
So we did water changes, setup the diatom filter, and called our breeder (Wattley).
We were told to use ParaGuard by Seachem, at half dose (due to the Clown Loaches being sensitive to the meds).
As yet-day 3 of treatment- no improvement at all...........and its a sad thing to watch.
Unfortunately, the tank is in the living room...............
any help would be greatly appreciated.............
I think what ever sickness or disease we have was brought into the planted tank with the new plants we bought to replace the BBA affected ones. Although we have a QT tank (which is occupied), we never thought of dipping the new plants, nor do we have any experience doing it.
It seems perhaps we are not cut out to keep a planted tank.
The latest issue besides reoccurring BBA, is our discus seem to be sick and dying.
The sympthoms mirror those of "Discus Plague." Darkness of coloring; fins clamped; slime coat missing; white spotted sides; lethargic;flashing; pectoral fin splitting; hanging out near surface, in tank corners, in a tight pack;and swimming in "unnatural" positions.
So we did water changes, setup the diatom filter, and called our breeder (Wattley).
We were told to use ParaGuard by Seachem, at half dose (due to the Clown Loaches being sensitive to the meds).
As yet-day 3 of treatment- no improvement at all...........and its a sad thing to watch.
Unfortunately, the tank is in the living room...............
any help would be greatly appreciated.............
I think what ever sickness or disease we have was brought into the planted tank with the new plants we bought to replace the BBA affected ones. Although we have a QT tank (which is occupied), we never thought of dipping the new plants, nor do we have any experience doing it.