Since I'm quite unsatisfied by the actual look of my discus tank, I thought that time for a new setup has come. It's actually 2 yrs old but I'm suffering some BGA problems and arrested development of plants. Fortunately fish feel nice and keep on breeding
The tank is around 220 lt (60 gal) with metal halide 70 W and no CO2. My focus will be on creating a nice environment for the discus and have at the same time some plants with not too high requirements. I'd skip any fast growing and/or stem plant in favour of echinodorus, crypto, fern, vallisneria.
It could be called a typical "low-tech" tank.
Let's talk about the substrate: my choice would be for a fine (but not too much) quartz sand. Grains dimensions: 0,5 to 1 mm.
I'd like to use some Seachem tabs under plant roots. A sort of "ad hoc" fertilization for each plant.
What I'd like to understand is if I need some supplement for the substrate to help it cycling/starting... I've read something in Tom's article concerning Leonardite. Could you recommend its usage and in which quantity? Could it replace the mulm for starting?
The tank is around 220 lt (60 gal) with metal halide 70 W and no CO2. My focus will be on creating a nice environment for the discus and have at the same time some plants with not too high requirements. I'd skip any fast growing and/or stem plant in favour of echinodorus, crypto, fern, vallisneria.
It could be called a typical "low-tech" tank.
Let's talk about the substrate: my choice would be for a fine (but not too much) quartz sand. Grains dimensions: 0,5 to 1 mm.
I'd like to use some Seachem tabs under plant roots. A sort of "ad hoc" fertilization for each plant.
What I'd like to understand is if I need some supplement for the substrate to help it cycling/starting... I've read something in Tom's article concerning Leonardite. Could you recommend its usage and in which quantity? Could it replace the mulm for starting?