Hi Everyone,
I am new to real planted tanks. What I mean by real is tanks with Co2 and all the goods. I have kept Discus with Anubias and Java Fern for years without problems, but would like to leave the Discus behind and get into Aquascaping. It just looks freakin nice and relaxes me. Anyways I have been doing reading on stuff and I am somewhat confused on things and was hoping you could help.
I want to setup say a 30/35g Corner Bow Front tank. Now I plan to use my water from my Discus tank along with my Fluval 204 filter. Is this enough filter for plants and say Tetras?
What lights/watts do you recommend? I have a Power Compact light on my 20g right now.
What Substrate due you recommend? I have been looking at ADA Amazon II Soil, or Eco Complete. I know ADA is expensive but I am willing to pay it, if it is truly better.
Ferts, there are liquid and I read of dry ones, what should I use? EI is new to me, from what I read it is a timetable on which dry ferts to put into the tank each day, in a 7 day format, being on the 7th day is the 50% water change correct? Where are dry Ferts available from? I am in Cail.
Now most important is Co2. This kinda scares me and my mom a little as she thinks the tank will explode! Yes she does. But I was looking at a small setup that ADA offers on their site. Here "Co2 Advanced System" is this setup good and is there anything else I would need? It looks small,easy to hide,is it?
I am sorry to ask so many questions but I wanna get things straight before I go thru with the change.
Thanks for your help guy's, I greatly appreciate it!
I am new to real planted tanks. What I mean by real is tanks with Co2 and all the goods. I have kept Discus with Anubias and Java Fern for years without problems, but would like to leave the Discus behind and get into Aquascaping. It just looks freakin nice and relaxes me. Anyways I have been doing reading on stuff and I am somewhat confused on things and was hoping you could help.
I want to setup say a 30/35g Corner Bow Front tank. Now I plan to use my water from my Discus tank along with my Fluval 204 filter. Is this enough filter for plants and say Tetras?
What lights/watts do you recommend? I have a Power Compact light on my 20g right now.
What Substrate due you recommend? I have been looking at ADA Amazon II Soil, or Eco Complete. I know ADA is expensive but I am willing to pay it, if it is truly better.
Ferts, there are liquid and I read of dry ones, what should I use? EI is new to me, from what I read it is a timetable on which dry ferts to put into the tank each day, in a 7 day format, being on the 7th day is the 50% water change correct? Where are dry Ferts available from? I am in Cail.
Now most important is Co2. This kinda scares me and my mom a little as she thinks the tank will explode! Yes she does. But I was looking at a small setup that ADA offers on their site. Here "Co2 Advanced System" is this setup good and is there anything else I would need? It looks small,easy to hide,is it?
I am sorry to ask so many questions but I wanna get things straight before I go thru with the change.
Thanks for your help guy's, I greatly appreciate it!