Hello everyone, firstly I'd like to thank Tom for creating such an amazing wealth of information. After having read a number of his articles and an even larger number of his replies to questions posted by newbies like me, I feel at great ease with the advice offered on this forum. The articles just seem to make a lot more sense to me than many other sites I have been to and the progression from complete novice into somebody that is ready to embark on there first planted tank adventure is easy to follow and well mapped out. Particularly the reassurance that everyone was in this position once and that I should not feel afraid to 'experience' rather than just be lost in a maze of acronyms and chemistry straight away is a breath of fresh air.
I have a 150 gallon aquarium measuring 72x20x24 inches that I would like to make a planted community set up. I have decided that a low tech method would be best for me however I am still deciding whether I will be dosing excel or not. Primarily this will come down to the water changes involved as 50 percent each week would be unmanageable for me on a tank this size. However at 25 percent a week is very doable. Like I said I would like a community setup containing tetras, rasboras and maybe dwarf cichlid as well as hardy, easy to grow plants like hygrophila, ambulia, crypts, rotala, amazon swords etc. I already have 2 Eheim 2217 canister filter which I intend to use on this tank. My plan for lighting (which is very subject to change based upon the advice I receive here) will be 2 HOT5 fixtures with 2x39w bulbs in each for a total of 156w or just over 1wpg. I will be using Eco Complete substrate. My plan for fertilizers would be to use KNO3 and KH2PO4 as well as equilibrium as stated in Tom's article. Any feedback or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I have a 150 gallon aquarium measuring 72x20x24 inches that I would like to make a planted community set up. I have decided that a low tech method would be best for me however I am still deciding whether I will be dosing excel or not. Primarily this will come down to the water changes involved as 50 percent each week would be unmanageable for me on a tank this size. However at 25 percent a week is very doable. Like I said I would like a community setup containing tetras, rasboras and maybe dwarf cichlid as well as hardy, easy to grow plants like hygrophila, ambulia, crypts, rotala, amazon swords etc. I already have 2 Eheim 2217 canister filter which I intend to use on this tank. My plan for lighting (which is very subject to change based upon the advice I receive here) will be 2 HOT5 fixtures with 2x39w bulbs in each for a total of 156w or just over 1wpg. I will be using Eco Complete substrate. My plan for fertilizers would be to use KNO3 and KH2PO4 as well as equilibrium as stated in Tom's article. Any feedback or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.