Hello everyone,
I've kept fish for 15 months now and I'm addicted. About a month ago, I thought I'd try my hand at a planted tank and I can't believe how much difficulty I'm having. I've read, and read, and read and I still can't seem to have any success. Over the last three or four weeks, my relatively minor BBA growth has gotten a little worse, but I have seen this green, whispy algae takeoff! It's all over the glass, floating plants and my large piece of driftwood. Any ideas would be GREATLY appreciated. I've visited this site before and I respect the knowledge here.
Some of the information I include may not be necessary, but I'm just gonna throw it all out there since I'm the rookie here.
TANK: I have the typical 55g. 48"x12"x21".
LIGHT: A month ago, I upgraded from two t12 40watt bulbs to two 54watt t5 ho bulbs. I keep them on for 10 hours a day.
SUBSTRATE: A month ago, I switched from a sand/natural gravel combination to black moon gravel. I have no fertilizer in the substrate. This tank has been up for a year, I changed the substrate while maintaining the tank with the fish staying healthy.
FISH: I have 15 fish and most would probably be considered about double the size you would buy them at. 3 black skirt tetras; 3 congo tetras; 2 clown loaches; 2 barbs; 1 austrailian rainbow; 1 ram; 1 angel; 1 gourami, and 1 angelicas catfish. They're all healthy and I almost never lose fish anymore. (until I found my chinese algae eater outside the tank a few days ago after I left a floating strip of cucumber at that end).
WATER: I have the home test kit using drops. I've never had any elevated levels of ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and my ph is pretty consistently at 7.2. I have no idea what my level of hardness is. (It's city water minus the chlorine). I have a regular airstone that is on all the time except for the 10 hours/day I have the light on. I do about 20%/week. Temp averages 78-80F.
CO2: About a week after I upped the light to 1.96wpg, I added a 2 liter bottle diy. I have an airstone on the end and it bubbles inconsistently. I don't have the tester to determine ppm, but I did test my ph at 6.8 (lower than I've ever seen it).
PLANTS: I probably doubled the plants I had a month ago. Many are floating and if they were all planted, they would cover about half or more of the substrate. My floating hornwort and raised amazon sword are pearling alot a few hours after the light comes on. They're covered in tiny bubbles! Many of my plants are not doing well. They develop thin, leaves with holes in them, or the plants do not grow at all! My anubias, amazon sword, dwarf hairgrass, borneo fern, java fern do not appear to be growing at all. After I clip the mature algae infested leaves from my anubia, a new shoot will sprout, but it will stay tiny, short, and furled up and develop holes in the leaves. I also have some java moss, mondo grass, anacharis, and a few others I don't know the name of.
FERTILIZER: I have Seachem Flourish bottle which I've used as directed. (once/week). It says "comprehensive supplement", but I guess it's just the micronutrients? It's due another dose, but I'm afraid to continue as the green algae has gotten so bad. Once I learned what all the acronyms were for fertilizer, I've looked for them at the local fish supply, but can't find any. N,P, and K, I guess. But, I'm not sure that's what my problem is.
I've read enough to know that one of the three - light, fertilizer, or co2 must be way out of wack. Please help, as this is no fun!
Sorry about the lengthy post, but I wanted to give a complete picture. Hope I didn't forget anything.
I've kept fish for 15 months now and I'm addicted. About a month ago, I thought I'd try my hand at a planted tank and I can't believe how much difficulty I'm having. I've read, and read, and read and I still can't seem to have any success. Over the last three or four weeks, my relatively minor BBA growth has gotten a little worse, but I have seen this green, whispy algae takeoff! It's all over the glass, floating plants and my large piece of driftwood. Any ideas would be GREATLY appreciated. I've visited this site before and I respect the knowledge here.
Some of the information I include may not be necessary, but I'm just gonna throw it all out there since I'm the rookie here.
TANK: I have the typical 55g. 48"x12"x21".
LIGHT: A month ago, I upgraded from two t12 40watt bulbs to two 54watt t5 ho bulbs. I keep them on for 10 hours a day.
SUBSTRATE: A month ago, I switched from a sand/natural gravel combination to black moon gravel. I have no fertilizer in the substrate. This tank has been up for a year, I changed the substrate while maintaining the tank with the fish staying healthy.
FISH: I have 15 fish and most would probably be considered about double the size you would buy them at. 3 black skirt tetras; 3 congo tetras; 2 clown loaches; 2 barbs; 1 austrailian rainbow; 1 ram; 1 angel; 1 gourami, and 1 angelicas catfish. They're all healthy and I almost never lose fish anymore. (until I found my chinese algae eater outside the tank a few days ago after I left a floating strip of cucumber at that end).
WATER: I have the home test kit using drops. I've never had any elevated levels of ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and my ph is pretty consistently at 7.2. I have no idea what my level of hardness is. (It's city water minus the chlorine). I have a regular airstone that is on all the time except for the 10 hours/day I have the light on. I do about 20%/week. Temp averages 78-80F.
CO2: About a week after I upped the light to 1.96wpg, I added a 2 liter bottle diy. I have an airstone on the end and it bubbles inconsistently. I don't have the tester to determine ppm, but I did test my ph at 6.8 (lower than I've ever seen it).
PLANTS: I probably doubled the plants I had a month ago. Many are floating and if they were all planted, they would cover about half or more of the substrate. My floating hornwort and raised amazon sword are pearling alot a few hours after the light comes on. They're covered in tiny bubbles! Many of my plants are not doing well. They develop thin, leaves with holes in them, or the plants do not grow at all! My anubias, amazon sword, dwarf hairgrass, borneo fern, java fern do not appear to be growing at all. After I clip the mature algae infested leaves from my anubia, a new shoot will sprout, but it will stay tiny, short, and furled up and develop holes in the leaves. I also have some java moss, mondo grass, anacharis, and a few others I don't know the name of.
FERTILIZER: I have Seachem Flourish bottle which I've used as directed. (once/week). It says "comprehensive supplement", but I guess it's just the micronutrients? It's due another dose, but I'm afraid to continue as the green algae has gotten so bad. Once I learned what all the acronyms were for fertilizer, I've looked for them at the local fish supply, but can't find any. N,P, and K, I guess. But, I'm not sure that's what my problem is.
I've read enough to know that one of the three - light, fertilizer, or co2 must be way out of wack. Please help, as this is no fun!
Sorry about the lengthy post, but I wanted to give a complete picture. Hope I didn't forget anything.