My tank for the semester


Lifetime Members
Lifetime Member
Jan 29, 2005
This is my project for the semester-- a 1ft cube tank. It's a shape I've worked with before, but I dusted out the old aquarium and started again today (immediately after getting into my dorm room).


Pic of initial tank + equipment. Didn't want to spring for pressured CO2 for a tank that is not at my house. Hopefully DIY will be fine. :p


Flora base


What's a journal without initial hardscape?


Post-moss tying, and added Art Rock sand. Flora base is great, but I have a hard time planting smaller plants (especially HC) in it, so I topped it all with sand.


Post-planting, filling the tank.


My apologies for the low-quality of my final pic (I know this is supposed to be the "impressive one" that makes you look for future updates). I just borrowed a friend's basic digital cam for initial set-up. I'll find a better camera for final shoots in the upcoming months.


Dimensions: 1' x 1' x 1'
Volume: approx. 7.5g
Lighting: 26 w CF
CO2: DIY + Glass Diffuser
Filtration: Aquaclear Mini
Substrate: Flora Base + Decorative Sand
Hardscape: Malaysian Drift Wood, Twigs from a stream bed (they were sunken-- if have any disgusting problems, they will be later removed), decorative pebbles
Plants: Hemianthus Callitrichoides, Riccia Fluitons, Hemianthus Micranthemoides, Fissiden sp., Fontinalis Antipyretica (TRUE willow moss), Vesicularia sp. (Xmas moss), Bacopa Amplexicaulis, Bacopa Monnieri, Rotala Indica, Ludwigia Arcuata, Ammania Senegalensis

Any thoughts on the set up or ideas for fert regimens?


Guru Class Expert
Jan 24, 2005
Re: My tank for the semester

One day I should stop playing with algae and try to make a tank look good.

This looks nice GMF.

Tom Barr

Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
Re: My tank for the semester

I did not like FB one bit the 2x I've used it vs Flourite, Onyx sand, Soil Master and ADA amanzonia soil.

I found using a limewood air stone to work better than the mitety might ceramic disc(lots of back pressure), the limewood stones have small pores and virtually no back pressure.

I see a DIY Yeast source back there, good luck on driving the ceramic disc.
It will not work.

Tom Barr


Lifetime Members
Lifetime Member
Jan 29, 2005
Re: My tank for the semester

Things have started off nicely, and the plants are growing well-- except for the hemianthus micranthemoides which seems to be melting for some reason . . .


Tom-- sorry to hear about your bad experiences with FB, it's worked well for me in the past, and is also the favorite of many in my hometown club, Honolulu Aquarium Society.

I like the look and more importantly the texture, as when I used flourite in the past I sometimes ended up damaging the roots or stems during the planting because of the sharp edges-- plus florite is just an ugly looking substrate. Haven't tried the ADA substrates before, though I've heard they're the unbeatable.

Tom Barr

Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
Re: My tank for the semester

You'll defintiely like them better than FB.

Luis Narvarro, myself, Senske's etc all feel the same way about FB and ADA.
So how are driving the little ceramic disc with DIY CO2?

Even at 20psi, I could not get consistency using gas tanks.
The limewood stones work super though.

Melthing: CO2 or NO3.
One of the two.
One is easy to rule out, the other you will have to fiddle with.

Tom Barr


Lifetime Charter Member
Lifetime Member
Jan 24, 2005
Sacramento, CA
Re: My tank for the semester

With such a small tank why not give up the CO2 and use Excel? It sure would be a lot less work, and not much difference in price.

Tom Barr

Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
Re: My tank for the semester

I'm not keen on the look of flourite personally.
Some like it, I don't personally.

I do not like red colored substrate either though.

So grey/black, white, etc, I've seen these in natural systems. Mostly white sands.

ADA on this issue alone is plenty reason alone, it's also easier to plant in than FB.

Jeff and Mike will ship ADa stuff to you folks if you want it.
3liter bags, or 9 liter bags of soil.

They are out right now due to demand.
We have a LFS that has the entire line here in SF.

It's 11$ from ADG and 6.25 + shipping, I'm betting you pay at least 20$ after tax for the one bag of FB.

Tom Barr


Lifetime Members
Lifetime Member
Jan 29, 2005
Re: My tank for the semester

Wow-- thanks for the info tom, that's amazingly cheap. I haven't been keeping in touch with the ADG site so I didn't know the prices on substrate were so cheap now! To be honest because I lived in Hawaii I'm not too familiar with how mainland people buy/sell/trade stuff. Shipping is killer, so is aggriculture department.

For my next tank then, I'll definitely go with ADA substrate then (I'm not too keen on tearing the tank down at this point). Since I have to tear my work down at the end of each semester for summer/winter break, for the next 4 years of college I'll probably be doing a new aquascape every semester.

Heh, to be honest I'm not testing for anything (may the gods strike me down), but things seem ok so far-- I am dosing Excel (flinches in preparation for Tom's ensueing wrath). As for nitrates, I used Grigg's site to make a solution with Watson ferts, started dosing this week.

Edit: Actually, I'm going to Japan this summer for study abroad, and I figured I'd buy stuff there. Tom, since you're a veteran of the Japan aquascaping scene, any recommendations for stuff I should see?